Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Parior and The Cub Scout Pack Cause Studies Assignment

The Parior and The Cub Scout Pack Cause Studies - Assignment Example The theory seeks to establish a balance between the employee and the employer to this effect and aids in the development of a strong bond and working relation between the two parties that will sustain for a longer period and ensure that proper working relationship leads to satisfaction on both ends. The employer obtains the necessary service they need from the employees who also provide the employer with the service expecting a payment as a reward for their hard work. These results base majorly on the motivation aspect of the employees and leads to better decisions in managing employees. Relating to the theory by Adam, subtle factors and some that may vary over time affect an employee’s consideration of the relationship they share with the employer and could result into challenges in working together leading to failed relationships that will also lead to poor returns for the company. Employees become much de-motivated considering their inputs and the outputs. They become affec ted mentally if their inputs fail to reach their outputs that may lead to the development of resistance in the employees, disgruntled associations develop with less efforts used by employees in their work environment. These may also lead to industrial actions that may result from the de-motivation aspect that may cause more losses to the company. In the case of McCarthy, reducing costs in favor of his income was for the best of the organization making it more profitable with fewer costs as the agreement between him and Purvis. The agreement led to the development of a program that would terminally increase the earnings of the employee through cutting costs. The employee changed meet suppliers and worked towards the lowering of the general costs through reduction of the size of nearly every item on the menu. McCarthy did this in favor of the reduced costs that resulted. The actions

Monday, October 28, 2019

Role for bioremediation Essay Example for Free

Role for bioremediation Essay Chapter 1 Which one of the following is not a role for bioremediation? Curing infectious diseases All of the following are examples of new emerging infectious diseases except Chickenpox Normal microbiota: Beneficial microbial inhabitants of the body Golden Age of Microbiology: Rapid discovery of basic microbiology principles Re-emerging diseases: Once controlled by preventative public health measures they are now on the rise Prions: Resistant to the usual sterilization procedures for pathogens Spontaneous generation: The converse of biogenesis Acellular infectious agent: Chemical composition includes RNA or DNA In the scientific name Bacillus anthracis, the term Bacillus is the genus name include the agents responsible for stomach ulcers and plague: Bacteria are prokaryotes: Bacteria impart distinctive flavors in foods such as yogurt and cheese: Bacteria are obligate intracellular parasites: Viruses have a protein coat that surrounds the genetic information: Viruses include molds and yeasts: Fungi contain the protozoa and algae: Protists derive their energy from degrading organic materials: Fungi are the most metabolically diverse group: Bacteria Which one of the following sequences exhibits increasing size? Viruses to bacteria to protozoa Which one of the following would be consistent with the idea of spontaneous generation? Sick people give rise to microorganisms in their body Chapter 3 The gram stain technique is valuable in distinguishing: different types of bacteria One of the below is wrong permit eukaryotic motility: Flagella are involved in group translocation: Chromosomes Contain components of the electron transport chain for ATP generation: Plasma Membranes may have peritrichous or polar arrangements: Flagella are linear rods contained within a nucleus: Chromosomes replication is followed by binary fission: Chromosomes are closed circular single molecues: Chromosomes are used for chemotaxis: Flagella involved with signal sequences in secretion: Plasma Membranes Nucleoid: Stores essential genetic information Glycocalyx: Prevents phagocytosis; attachment Plasmid: Contains a few genes; not essential for cell -Metachromatic granules: Site of nutrient accumulation in cell Fimbriae: Short straight hair-like fibers -Gram (-) cell wall: Rigid outer boundary A bacterial arrangement called a sarcina has which of the following morphological shapes? Spheres in packets of eight All of the following characteristics apply to the prokaryotes except they reproduce by mitosis Chapter 4 A differential medium is one that  distinguishes colonies of one type of bacterium from those of another type Which of the following conditions are most likely to affect the growth of bacteria? temperature, oxygen, and pH At what point in the bacterial growth curve are bacteria the most vulnerable to antibiotics log phase Which of the following methods of measuring population growth is a direct count standard plate count using a dilution series Faculative bacteria are those that  grow in the presence of absence of oxygen Most of the human pathogens are: mesophiles  10. 0001 out of 11 points Mesophiles: this group has most of the the pathogens as they grow at body temperature Halophile: would grow on selective media containing relatively high levels of salt Alkaphile: they can tolerate a pH above 8.5 Psychrotroph: can be found growing in the human stomach Anaerobe: they do not or cannot use oxygen Hyperthermophile: these have been found in seawater from hot water volcanic vents Microaerophile: they survive in environments where O2 concentration is relatively low but are inhibited by high O2 levels Obligate aerobe: this group requires oxygen for metabolism, just like humans Acidophile: can be found growing in the human stomach Facultative Anaerobe: they grow best in the presence of oxygen but can grow in the absence of oxygen Barophile: they are able to live at the bottom of the ocean -The interval of time between successive binary fissions of a cell or population of cells is known as the: generation time -Psychrophiles and thermophiles differ with respect to their best temperature for growth A soil sample is added to a culture medium that has been designed to promote the growth of the genus Pseudomonas while inhibiting the growth of fungi. This test uses a: selective medium Chapter 5 Low temperature is:  bacteriostatic Heavy metals generally kill microorganisms by  reacting with protein sulfhydryl groups to disrupt function Chlorhexidine is a biguanide used to  wash hands and clean wounds superficially The chemical counterpart of the autoclave uses  ethylene oxide with an inert gas HEPA filters are used to filter which one of the following? Air Ultraviolet light is valuable for reducing the microbial population in the air of a hospital room Of the following, the most efficient method for sterilization of a bacteriological transfer loop is the direct flame Triclosan destroys bacteria by  disrupting cell membranes Which one of the following elements would be classified as a halogen Chlorine Moist heat kills microorganisms by  denaturation A substance that has been pasteurized  is not considered sterile 5 out of 8 points Autoclave: Vegetative microorganisms, and endospores Direct Flame: Vegetative microorganisms, and endospores Boiling water for 10 minutes: Vegetative microorganisms, not endospores Hot air oven for 2 hours at 160 degrees Celcius: Vegetative microorganisms, and endospores Pasteurization: Pathogenic microorganisms, not endospores Gamma radiation: Vegetative microorganisms, not endospores Filtration: Pathogenic microorganisms, not endospores Ultra-high-temperature (UHT) processing: Vegetative microorganisms, not endospores When food has been salted  water diffuses out of microorganisms causing them to shrivel Chapter 6 The Krebs cycle accounts for all the following except  production of pyruvate from glucose Heat is useful in the destruction of bacteria because heat denatures enzymes by altering their tertiary structures 10.99956 out of 13 points yields pyruvate for use in the TCA cycle: Glycolysis requires cytochromes for electron transport: Oxidative phosphorylation requires electrons eventually be passed to NADPH: Photosynthesis Requires energy from light to take place: Photosynthesis ends with acceptance of electrons by oxygen atoms: Oxidative phosphorylation starts with the oxidation of NADH: TCA Cycle requires an investment of 2 ATPs: Glycolysis uses chlorophyll as the pigment in the cyanobacteria: Photosynthesis results in the formation of water: Photosynthesis is essentially the opposite of aerobic respiration: Photosynthesis begins with a glucose molecule: Glycolysis results in the net gain of 2 ATPs: Glycolysis generates two carbon dioxide molecules per turn: TCA Cycle Which one of the following does not involve a phosphorylation reaction? The hydrolysis of ATP Which of the following states is the most correct for enzyme reactions Enzymes are specific for only one reaction, generally in one direction All of the following apply to the process of anabolism except the process is exergonic You are studying an obligate anaerobe. Which one of the following pathways can you be assured is occurring? Glycolysis A bacterium that uses glucose as an energy source has been isolated from an anaerobic environment. After the growth of the bacterium, the pH of the growth medium is measured and found to be very acidic. When analyzed, the medium is found to have a high concentration of lactic acid. This bacterium is most likely metabolizing by a process known as fermentation

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Harry Shippe Truman :: Biographies Presidents Essays

Harry Shippe Truman missing works cited When Harry Truman was about five years old, his family noticed he was having eye troubles. With these eye problems, Harry wasn't able to see stars or the falling dust from fireworks. Harry never noticed this. When his mother got his first pair of glasses, they were thick glass in which the doctor said that he shouldn't run hard or play in many sports with them on. Harry saw a whole new world when he first got the glasses. He would stare for hours just looking at the bright stars. But, Harry's fun with the glasses soon ended when he went to school. The other kids would tease him about the glasses because he was the only one in the class with glasses. The teasing didn't bother him much because the other kids grew up learning not to hit kids with glasses. Harry liked reading books in his spare time. He especially liked Mark Twain's books 'Tom Sawyer' and 'Huckleberry Finn'. He had to read mostly adult books. Another one of his favorite books were biographies of the U.S. presidents. Harry read most of the three- thousand books that were in a nearby library. Harry was very good in school because of reading all the books. His mom wanted Harry, his brother Vivian, and Their little sister Mary Jane to enrich their lives so she bought them a piano. She gave the children lessons and noticed that Harry was especially gifted with the piano. So, she sent him to get professional lessons with a woman named Mrs. Edwin C. White. Everyone in his family thought that Harry would become a concert Pianist. Harry thought so too. Harry had experiences that the other kids did not have while playing the piano. Harry's teacher once was a student of one of the greatest pianists ever to live named Ignacy Jan Paderewski. When he was having a concert in their town, Harry's teacher brought him to the concert and introduced Harry to Ignacy. Ignacy showed Harry how to play his own famous composition Minuet in G. It was a moment Harry never forgot. The kids at his school really started to make fun of him when they saw him going to school with music roles because they thought piano playing was for sissies. But he kept on going and still ignored them. Harry' father got harry a pony so he wouldn't be all books and piano

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Social Capital

In recent decades, many social scientists have drawn attention to the importance of â€Å"social capital. † Social capital is meant to capture the value, economic and otherwise, that comes from social networks, through which people frequently interact with one another. But what if social capital ends up contributing to the rise of extreme movements, including fascism? It is well-established that individuals and societies can gain a great deal from civic institutions, such as parent-teacher associations, athletic leagues, churches and music clubs.High levels of social capital have been associated with numerous social benefits, including improvements in health, promise-keeping, trust, altruism, compliance with the law, child welfare and individual happiness. Harvard University political scientist Robert Putnam has done a great deal to explore the beneficial effects of social capital. In his book â€Å"Bowling Alone,† he documented what he saw as its decline in the U. S. , connecting that decline with a wide range of social problems. Pointing to research by Putnam and others, many people have argued that the U.S. and other nations should make a sustained effort to measure and increase social capital, with particular attention to civic associations that help to generate it. At the same time, social capital can have a dark side. If people are in a social network whose members are interested in committing crimes, the existence of social capital will promote criminal activity. A fascinating recent study called â€Å"Bowling for Fascism† goes much further: It shows that the rise of Nazism was greatly facilitated by unusually high levels of social capital in Weimar Germany.The research offers an important and novel perspective on Adolf Hitler’s ascension to power. And by identifying conditions that help to spread extremism, it also offers significant lessons for the present, including the risk of terrorism. The study, conducted by New York Un iversity’s Shanker Satyanath and his co-authors, is based on a wide range of original materials, including Nazi Party membership lists and hand-collected data from 112 German towns.The central question: Who was most likely to join the Nazi Party? In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Germany had an exceptionally vibrant civil society that included clubs involved in hiking, animal breeding, shooting, gymnastics, bowling, fire fighting and singing. The authors’ principal finding is that in cities with dense networks of clubs and associations, Germans were far more likely to join the Nazi Party. Intheir words, â€Å"a dense fabric of civic associations went hand-in-hand with a more rapid rise of Nazi party membership. † It could be suggested that some independent factor, such as socioeconomic status or religion, accounts both for associational activity and for willingness to join the Nazi Party. But that suggestion is inconsistent with the evidence. Even if we control for these and other variables, a dense network of civic associations is correlated with significantly higher rates of entry into the Nazi Party.This finding undermines the view, held by some, that the Nazi Party succeeded by appealing to people who were socially isolated and that Hitler was able to draw support largely from the lonely and the rootless. But this evidence strongly suggests otherwise. Nazism spread in part as a result of face-to-face interactions by people who were in frequent contact with one another. Consider the chilling remarks of a Nazi Party member who recalled his growing acquaintance â€Å"with a colleague of my own age with whom I had frequent conversations.He was a calm, quiet person whom I esteemed very highly. When I found out that he was one of the local leaders of the National Socialist party, my opinion of it as a group of criminals changed completely. † The authors’ central findings fit well with emerging research on the immense importanc e of social influences on individual behavior. With respect to music, political convictions, voting and food, we constantly learn from others. Like-minded people tend to go to extremes, in large part because they learn from each other.Within nations and around the world, modern social media connect disparate people and hence build social capital, intensifying social influences on thought and behavior. For the current period, there is a straightforward lesson. Individuals and nations generally benefit from large numbers of private associations, including sports clubs, religious groups and parent-teacher associations. But in some nations, dense social networks also increase people’s vulnerability to extremism.A great deal of work suggests that terrorism itself can arise not because people are isolated, poor or badly educated, but because they are part of tightly knit networks in which hateful ideas travel quickly. No one should doubt that private associations are desirable and valuable, and that they can produce a dazzling range of social goods, including checks on the power of government. But Satyanath and his co-authors reveal another possibility: that such associations can facilitate the spread of extremism, ultimately laying the groundwork for serious challenges to democracy itself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Business Case Study – Cctv

Case Study – Extreme CCTV (all details discussed in this case study have been taken from the Extreme CCTV case study as presented in Cases of entrepreneurship: the venture creation process (Morse & Mitchell, 2005)) Student Name: Katrina BinottoStudent Number: S3172726 Course: BUSM 2367 – Business Enterprise One 1. If you were Jack Gin, what would you do: acquire Derwent Systems, based in Newcastle, UK, to extend its reach into Europe, or focus on the IPO? When assessing if Jack Gin should acquire Derwent Systems or focus on IPO it is would be best suggested to undertake a review of the attractiveness and competitive position of the proposed acquisition. One method of doing this is through the use of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix. This matrix assesses the competitive position of the business in its current form, and the aspects of the proposed businesses, against their respective market attractiveness. (Robbins, et al. 2009) The BCG considered businesses in terms of a Cash Cow, Star, Problem Child or Dog. The case study tells us that Extreme CCTV is a growing company with specialized products that produce positive cash flow for the business, which makes it a Cash Cow. Derwent, although they had difficulties with cash flow at the current time, have a specific product base and have a recognized brand name, which sits this business in the Problem Child area of the Matrix. In order to develop a business which could become a star, Derwent would be able to provide the brand and provide recognition, and Extreme is able to provide the business the necessary cash flow to achieve a possible Star business. Therefore I believe that Jack Gin should invest into Derwent Systems as it will allow the acquisition of a recognized product with the ability to sustain positive cash flows assisting in long term sustainability of the business. 2. Briefly outline the risks associated with your recommendation and how the company could manage these risks. There are risks associated both with acquisition and passing the opportunity; Not Acquiring Derwent †¢Will lose access to a high quality high performing product †¢May risk market saturation Ability to provide competitive pricing structure for current product range should competitors produce the same products Acquisition Risks †¢Cash flow – does Extreme have enough cash flow to support Derwent requirements in the short term †¢Change management issues in merging businesses and associated staff cultural issues †¢If competitors are already engaging in the market Extreme is trying to break into – do they have a marke t dominance †¢Geographical issues – managing businesses on two sides of the globe †¢Globalisation and workforce diversity issues 3. List the benefits, and why you believe they outweigh the risks Increased market share †¢Ability to offer the market more products †¢Acquiring the good will of Derwent customers †¢The additional Intellectual property from Derwent research and development †¢Additional staff and their knowledge and experiences †¢Ability to proposed more competitive pricing structures as inputs may be cheaper as business will have greater turn over and thus may be able to purchase components in bulk †¢Economies of scale – not only for tangible inputs but labour inputs †¢Increased borrowing power with the merger of two businesses – increased assets. 4. Analyse Extreme CCTV’s competitive landscape using Porter’s Five Forces Porter’s Five Forces consist of the following; †¢Supplier Power oThis component could be considered as high as with a larger volume of component turnover Derwent could access better trading terms and stronger relationships with suppliers. This would result in more reliable and competitive supply of components and with good relationship management, such as ensuring on time invoice payment, Derwent may be able to become a ‘preferred’ creditor. †¢Consumer Power oQuality would be at the forefront of the consumer’s requirements and thus this component would be considered very high. Without reliable quality products Derwent would allow competitors access to their market, reducing their cash flows and product sales. †¢Substitutes oThere are very few substitutes to CCTV. Any alternative products do not provide the same level of quality or access to the same features provided by Extreme (and Derwent) products, thus this factor is considered low. †¢New Entrants oThe possibility of new entrants into the market is low due to the fact that a number of businesses are already participating in the market, and any new entrants would need a large capital, for research and development and product development. Rivalry oIt is possible that Pelco may merge with other competitors, such as Silent Witness, and their new competitive power would be unknown at this time. Therefore this would be considered a medium risk as neither the new market nor the strategic direction of any competitors is known. 5. Analyse the opportunity using the First Screening Guide INDUSTRY ANALYS IS †¢What is the industry that addresses this market? oCCTV equipment †¢Number of competitors ?Pelco ?Silent Witness †¢Relative size of competitors oNo one competitors having a majority share in the market, which was highly fragmented. Pelco – in Extreme CCTV’s market space, from Southern California oSilent Witness – Canadian public company, worldwide networks with good growths since 1995. MARKET ANALYSIS †¢Is there a need? oIndustry had decided that CCTV use is a vital part of their overall security strategy and have experienced significant benefits oThese benefits in specialized markets, such as government agencies and correctional facilities are not being taken up by the more generalized business and consumer market. †¢Customers? oThere is clear demand for this product in government agencies, correctional facilities, and casinos proven by sales to date. More generalized usage of CCTV over time due to perceived and perhaps real reducti on of crime that has been experienced where CCTV is in use. †¢What value do you add? oThe value added service be provided would be; ?Integrated Day Night Cameras – superb performance ?Product Differentiation – a perceived distinct edge by major distributors †¢Product Life oThe product life expected from this service would be durable, as once the set up was established and trust built with customer they would be very unlikely to ‘try’ a competitor’s product. The security provided and reputation created by Extreme would see more at stake for the consumer and unless motivated by other means, such as additional services or major discounting, they would be reluctant to try another service. †¢What is the current market structure? oThe major competitors in this industry are: ?Pelco, and ?Silent Witness. oFollowing are features of services already provided; ?Pelco – provides similar products to Extreme, but at this time does not have the market reputation nor or they able provide a holistic product range as they are not able to provide an integrated camera. Silent Witness – have a product range that is able to operation in varied operating conditions, but also do not currently provide a product that allows the quality of night vision recording. †¢What is the proposed market size? oThe industry currently serves the following markets: ?Families, ?Singles, and ?Couples of any age group. †¢What is the market’s gr owth potential? oThe potential market available for this service is substantial, although it may be difficult to accurately predict. ?Gin feels that although the market is expanding he is unsure how far it will grow and what may drive this growth. Key drivers for the growth would be the increasing acceptance of CCTV usage and the merge of technologies to strengthen the security features of the products. †¢What would be the proposed cost structure? oExtreme’s proposed product offering would be to provide Derwent products under the Derwent branding, but integrate the results of their research and development which had lead to the development of the even illuminator (UF500) with Extreme’s day/night camera. This would provide a unique product to the market. Pricing for this unique product could be set above the ‘standard’ products and the pricing structure may allow scope to support ongoing research and development investments with a set portion of the pr ofit against these products dedicated to this purpose. Advertising this to the customer may encourage their increased investment in the products Extreme would provide in general. THE NUMBERS †¢Profits after tax? oCurrently Derwent profits after tax have been reducing, from $292,570 in 1998 to $159,111 in 2000. oExtreme has been experiencing good financial growth since its first year of trading in 1997. It could be considered that after Derwent acquisition that profits after tax would still be positive and in fact do have a chance of growth if the market response to the integrated product is strong. †¢Time to break even? oIt Gin purchased Derwent for $2. 6 million is would take approximately 4 years for Extreme to break even against this purchase. This is assuming that their annual profits are approximately $692,000 remains constant and that all other factors such as pay scale and in direct costs remain constant. †¢Time to positive cash? Positive cash flow would take s ome time longer than the estimated 4 years for break even. oWith the development of the desired product and ensuring its marketing and strategic placement would manage it would be possible to achieve positive cash flow very soon after breaking even. †¢ROI Potential? oThe return on investment potential is able to be seen in this business idea, but the level of ROI achievable is not able to be determined at this time as market demand is unreliable at this time. †¢Capital Requirements? oExtreme would require capital investment, through financing, to acquire Derwent. The asset base of Derwent, quoted in 2000 as being $2,353,113 in their financial statements, would provide a significant base for sourcing this finance. When considered as a whole business, i. e. Derwent and Extreme, there would be adequate assets to secure finance to complete the acquisition. The consideration needed by Gin would be the businesses ability to service this size of loan as part of normal operations. †¢Exit Mechanism? oPossible exist strategy would be to sell off the Derwent part of the company should Gin be unable to operate this part of the business. oShould t require a more significant exit from the market then Extreme could sell components and intellectual property to competitors. †¢Value? oStrategic value of the business would be high when established. It would have a solid loyal client base, established branding and market reputation. It would be able to achieve market differentiation needed to provide some assurance of long term sustainability in the market. CAN YOU AFFORD TO PLAY? †¢Production Costs? oProduction costs would differ between operating locations, i. e. Derwent and Extreme factories, as input costs may differ due to the differing localities, i. . Northern America and UK. oEconomies of scale could be achieved in bulk purchase of inputs; however the logistical issues associated with movement of stock between geographic locations may actually inc rease costs should this strategy be employed. This would have to be carefully considered. †¢Marketing Costs? oAs the market in North America currently does not appreciate the Derwent product it would be critical to demonstrate through marketing the benefits that there products, and Extreme’s on trying to enter the market, would have for them. Encouraging distributors and consumers to try the product would be critical in being able to ‘break’ into the market. †¢Distribution Costs? oDistribution costs needed to be considered would be movement of input components, where are the distributors and their clients, and would there be a ‘head office’ hierarchy set up or would the two arms of the Extreme business, i. e. Derwent and Extreme, be seen as equals in the company structure and thus have equal responsibilities and distribution strategies would be determined by each location instead of a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Prices? †¢Pricing structure would need to be competitive with other competitors where product services and capacity is similar, where there are distinct difference between what the competitor can offer and what the new Extreme business could provide the market then the ability to charge inflated prices, limited to the value perceived by the consumer, would be would become available. These potential increase profit margins on specific products could be used either as investment into research and development or to minimise the cost of borrowing. It would be dependent on any marketing strategy that would be linked with the pricing structure. †¢Costs? oBulk buying where possible would represent the best way to minimize costs for this business and achieve any economies of scale. †¢Distribution Channels? oIt would be seen that existing distribution channels to be used to promote and sell the products. As the attractiveness of the product became greater then new distribution channels would open. oAn alternative distribution would be to use the companies own resources. The staff would have the background knowledge on the development of the products and the strategic missions and values of the business and would be able to communicate these as part of their marketing strategy. †¢Barriers to Entry? oEntry into this market at this time is favorable as there are not many competitors and Extreme already holds product differentiation with its current product range. oThe ability to merge research and development from the two businesses would provide a great opportunity to emerging markets globally. †¢Legal/Contractual/Intellectual Property. There are definite intellectual property issues with this merger and then management of research and development results through this business and the proposed merger. oLegal contracts and possible supply and logistic contracts would need to be facilitated to provide opportunity for efficiencies. †¢Contacts and Networks? oContracts and networks already in place for both businesses would be used in the fi rst instance, and then with increase attractiveness of produce new networks and contacts would be developed. It is also evident within the case study that participation at trade shows would provide key opportunities to expand current networks. THE MANAGEMENT TEAM †¢The Extreme structure would remain in its current form. With the proposed retirement of Duffy, Gin would need to find an appropriate management team to continue operations of the Derwent arm of the business. FATAL FLAW/RISK †¢Existence of a Fatal Flaw oThere are possible fatal flaws in this proposal; ?Cost of borrowing required capital to acquire Derwent. ?Ability to establish a suitable management team to continue Derwent operations. ?The need to establish two geographical locations for operations the logistical issues that this may create. Staff culture issues and how Derwent staff would be received and integrate with Extreme employees. †¢Risk? oThere is a risk in this proposal in that the cost of capital required to start up the business may be prohibitive to entering the market, although the use of a merger with a business that has established distribution channels and market would reduce this risk overall. BIBLIOGRAPHY †¢Morse, Eric A, a nd Ronald K Mitchell. Cases in entrepreneurship: the venture creation process. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2005. †¢Robbins, S, R Bergman, I Stagg, and M Coulter. Management. 5th . Pearson Australia, 2009.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The best movieTitanic essays

The best movieTitanic essays The best movie i have ever seen is" Titanic". The reasons i like it so much are the grand scenery and the romantic content. The film Titanic is about the love story of Rose Dewitt Bukater and Jack Dawson. It is a classical romance story. Rose was from the American upper class but Jack was only a free-spirited young steerage passenger.They loved each other deeply even there was a huge gap between them. This forbidden love ended when the ship sank and Jack fell into the bottom of the ocean. I think the movie had the exellent content. The two main characters had outstanding performance. Kate and Leonardo were perfect for the part of Rose and Jack. Although it was only a classical love story , it encompassed a large range of emotions, laughter, rage, terror and the feeling of first deep love. I especially appreciate the love between them. They both tried to save each other. It showed the power that love could give a person. I was so touched by the courage his love give her to make a new life for herself on her own, even after his death. The scene when Rose took he whistle from the mouth of the dead man and withour hesitation blew it to attract the attention of the lifeboats said everything about the will to survive. This scene made me cry. Beside, the scenery and the stage properties really made me amazed. From the big ship to the small cushions at Rose's room, they were all delicate. Last but not least, the great theme song "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion marked t he end of the story. Even Jack leave Rose forever, her heart will keep going on. Titanic was already the winner of 11 Academy Awards. I deeply believe that it is the best movie i have even seen. Everyone can not miss it. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Celta application form Essay Example

Celta application form Essay Example Celta application form Essay Celta application form Essay Essay Topic: College application Universal Jorge Tattooed Logan, 2007-2010 During my thesis at the university, I worked as a teaching assistant with undergraduate students. I worked on several microbiology laboratories. Activities generally consisted in explaining the theory for a certain technique or procedure, followed by practical exercises. My responsibilities included assisting students with equipment (measuring, handling), reviewing workflow charts and assisting the professor. Microbiology laboratories are quite demanding and due to safety measures, one must make sure the students follow the protocols and workflow precisely. Finch el Highern, Santa Elena, Ecuador From mid-2010 until 2013 lived on the coast of Ecuador near Quailing. During this time I worked on an agricultural project where students from a local school (College tectonic De Santa Elena) visited the farm once a week to practice what they had learned at school. Activities included equipment instructions, agricultural practices, crop planning, plant growth etc. Activities were conducted during a whole school year. What other work experience do you have? Have had several jobs in customer service and logistics. I have worked for English campaigns in the USA such us Compact and Att. Do you have any other professional training? Yes No If Yes, outline here: Customer service Operations Carpentry and Masonry OTHER INFORMATION Please indicate any health concerns that may be pertinent to your application: None Is there any other information you think is worth mentioning? How did you hear about the courses at International House Bogota;? Internet Will you need help with accommodation? Yes OTHER APPLICATIONS Have you previously applied for a CELT course at any centre? Yes If yes what was the outcome of your application/interview? Approved Are you applying to centers other than II Bogota;? British Council IMPORTANT: Please note that acceptance on a course does not mean a place has been reserved for you. To ensure a place the full fee must be paid no later than six weeks before the start of the course. Fees are not transferable or refundable. I have read and accepted the above conditions. Signed: Arturo Date: 4/15/2015 PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM ONCE YOU HAVE LADLED IT IN. Pre-intent. IEEE task: CELT at II Bogota; Name: Arturo Hypes 1. LEARNING There is a lot to learn about teaching in a very short period of time. How would you characterize yourself as a learner? I believe my learning style is a blend between visual and kinesthesia. As input, like for information to be presented visually; reading written dialogues while Im listening helps retaining information. I am also a hands on person and therefore I learn by doing it. I believe on the effectiveness of an empirical approach depending on the topic. B) W hat is your preferred learning style? For example: 1. Watch it done and copy it 2. Read the theory of it and try to apply it 3. Try it out and get feedback on it 4. Work it out for yourself 5. Or My style would be a combination between number 1 and 2. Depends on the topic and the task. 2. TEACHING Answer the following in 2 or 3 sentences: i. How would you get students talking in class? An effective introduction with positive attitude and a smile is a start. It is important to start with a low level of complexity, start building empathy and provide students with enough information for them to fill confident. Then I would continue asking questions, listening carefully in order to keep asking questions based on what they have said. Ii. What are some of the reasons for and against teaching grammar rules? Reasons Against: grammar based lessons dont lead to oral fluency, language is acquired rather than learned. Reasons for: grammar is De backbone of a language, bringing an idea to its full extension needs the underlying structure of grammar. Iii. How important is listening and reading when learning a foreign language? One needs a massive input of data to learn a language fluently, this helps to develop language intuition, while bringing and incorporating new words into the speech. Iv. What is a good way of teaching vocabulary? Some effective ways for teaching vocabulary are: guessing the meaning wrought the context Of a lecture. The Odd word out, where a list Of 4-5 words contains one that does not fit. Match the opposites. 2 lists of words the first list should contain adjectives and the second the opposite of those adjectives. V. What are the main reasons for and against correcting students mistakes? Reasons for: most students do want to have some of their mistakes corrected as it gives them a basis for improvement. Letting errors pass means that bad habits become persistent. Reasons against: over-correcting may cause a student to lose motivation or to stop talking for fear of being wrong. It can also interrupt the flow of the class or activity, making a pause on every mistake to correct. 3. THE TEACHER a. In your opinion, which of the following jobs would best prepare a person for language teaching (choose one only): sports coach tour group leader driving instructor actor/actress Why? Social worker lecturer sales person nurse Multiple interactions with different kinds of people can lead to learn different accents, words, slang etc. Which helps to develop a more richer language. B. In the light of the above, why do you think YOU are suited to language teaching? Ive been interested in the English language and due to my school and university Ive studying it for most of my life. I am also an open minded individual with excellent interpersonal relationships and lots of stamina, which in my opinion can help develop good relations with students. 4. TEACHER TALK ORe-phrase the following teacher talk in language that an elementary learner might understand. O. If you wouldnt mind opening your books to page 23, please. Please open your books and go to page 23. D. What might you ask someone if you wanted to find out how to get to the cost office? What would you say to someone if you need help finding the post office? O. Jot down the answers and then swap with your neighbor. Write down the answer and then exchange it with the person next to you. 5. LANGUAGE AWARENESS 000000000. Which is the odd one out in each group, and why? O. The babys bottle. The nations struggle. The teachers absent. The nurses pay. The governments defeat. The teachers absent is the odd one out because it refers to something happening in the present. The apostrophe is used as a contraction for the teacher is. While in the others is used as a possessive. 0. 0 The plane was hi-jacked by a woman. The tourists were attacked by a gang. The soldier was hit by a bullet. The trains collided by a river. Three hundred people were killed by the earthquake. Why? The by on the sentence is being used in the sense of beside meaning the trains collided at the side of a river or next to it. The others are using it in the sense of through the action of 0. 0 She must have lost the address. Alan must have been here too. That must have been awful. The thieves must have got in through the window.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Flight Control Systems Stabilize Rockets

How Flight Control Systems Stabilize Rockets Building an efficient rocket engine is only part of the problem. The rocket must also be stable in flight. A stable rocket is one that flies in a smooth, uniform direction. An unstable rocket flies along an erratic path, sometimes tumbling or changing direction. Unstable rockets are dangerous because its  not possible to predict where they’ll go – they may even turn upside down and suddenly head directly back to the launch pad. What Makes a Rocket Stable or Unstable? All matter has a point inside called the center of mass or â€Å"CM, regardless of its size, mass or shape. The center of mass is the exact spot where all the mass of that object is perfectly balanced. You can easily find the center of mass of an object - such as a ruler - by balancing it on your finger. If the material used to make the ruler is of uniform thickness and density, the center of mass should be at the halfway point between one end of the stick and the other. The CM would no longer be in the middle if a heavy nail was driven into one of its ends. The balance point would be nearer the end with the nail. CM is important in rocket flight because an unstable rocket tumbles around this point. In fact, any object in flight tends to tumble. If you throw a stick, it will tumble end over end. Throw a ball and it spins in flight. The act of spinning or tumbling stabilizes an object in flight. A Frisbee will go where you want it go to only if you throw it with a deliberate spin. Try throwing a Frisbee without spinning it and youll find that it flies in an erratic path and falls far short of its mark if you can even throw it at all.   Roll, Pitch and Yaw Spinning or tumbling takes place around one or more of three axes in flight: roll, pitch and yaw. The point where all three of these axes intersect is the center of mass. The pitch and yaw axes are the most important in rocket flight because any movement in either of these two directions can cause the rocket to go off course.  The roll axis is the least important because movement along this axis will not affect the flight path. In fact, a rolling motion will help stabilize the rocket the same way a properly passed football is stabilized by rolling or spiraling it in flight. Although a poorly passed football may still fly to its mark even if it tumbles rather than rolls, a rocket will not. The action-reaction energy of a football pass is completely expended by the thrower the moment the ball leaves his hand. With rockets, thrust from the engine is still produced while the rocket is in flight. Unstable motions about the pitch and yaw axes will cause the rocket to leave the planned course. A control system is needed to prevent or at least minimize unstable motions. The Center of Pressure Another important center that affects a rockets flight is its center of pressure or â€Å"CP.† The center of pressure exists only when air is flowing past the moving rocket. This flowing air, rubbing and pushing against the outer surface of the rocket, can cause it to begin moving around one of its three axes. Think of a weather vane, an arrow-like stick mounted on a rooftop and used for telling wind direction. The arrow is attached to a vertical rod that acts as a pivot point. The arrow is balanced so the center of mass is right at the pivot point. When the wind blows, the arrow turns and the head of the arrow points into the on-coming wind. The tail of the arrow points in the downwind direction. A weather vane arrow points into the wind because the tail of the arrow has a much larger surface area than the arrowhead. The flowing air imparts a greater force to the tail than the head so the tail is pushed away. There is a point on the arrow where the surface area is the same on one side as the other. This spot is called the center of pressure. The center of pressure is not in the same place as the center of mass. If it were, then neither end of the arrow would be favored by the wind. The arrow would not point. The center of pressure is between the center of mass and the tail end of the arrow. This means that the tail end has more surface area than the head end. The center of pressure in a rocket must be located toward the tail. The center of mass must be located toward the nose. If they are in the same place or very near each other, the rocket will be unstable in flight. It will try to rotate about the center of mass in the pitch and yaw axes, producing a dangerous situation. Control Systems Making a rocket stable requires some form of control system. Control systems  for rockets keep a rocket stable in flight and steer it. Small rockets usually require only a stabilizing control system. Large rockets, such as the ones that launch satellites into orbit, require a system that not only stabilizes the rocket but also enables it to change course while in flight. Controls on rockets can be either active or passive. Passive controls are fixed devices that keep rockets stabilized by their very presence on the rockets exterior. Active controls can be moved while the rocket is in flight to stabilize and steer the craft. Passive Controls The simplest of all passive controls is a stick. Chinese fire arrows  were simple rockets mounted on the ends of sticks that kept the center of pressure behind the center of mass. Fire arrows were notoriously inaccurate in spite of this. Air had to be flowing past the rocket before the center of pressure could take effect. While still on the ground and immobile, the arrow might lurch and fire the wrong way.   The accuracy of fire arrows was improved considerably years later by mounting them in a trough aimed in the proper direction. The trough guided the arrow until it was moving fast enough to become stable on its own. Another important improvement in rocketry came when sticks were replaced by clusters of lightweight fins mounted around the lower end near the nozzle. Fins could be made out of lightweight materials and be streamlined in shape. They gave rockets a dart-like appearance. The large surface area of the fins easily kept the center of pressure behind the center of mass. Some experimenters even bent the lower tips of the fins in a pinwheel fashion to promote rapid spinning in flight. With these spin fins, rockets become much more stable, but this design produced  more drag and limited the rockets range. Active Controls The weight of the rocket is a critical factor in performance and range. The original fire arrow stick added too much dead weight to the rocket and therefore limited its range considerably. With the beginning of modern rocketry in the 20th century, new ways were sought to improve rocket stability and at the same time reduce overall rocket weight.  The answer was the development of active controls. Active control systems included vanes, movable fins, canards, gimbaled nozzles, vernier rockets, fuel injection and attitude-control rockets.   Tilting fins and canards are quite similar to each other in appearance - the  only real difference is their location on the rocket. Canards are mounted on the front end while tilting fins are at the rear. In flight, the fins and canards tilt like rudders to deflect the air flow and cause the rocket to change course. Motion sensors on the rocket detect unplanned directional changes, and corrections can be made by slightly tilting the fins and canards. The advantage of these two devices is their size and weight. They are smaller and lighter and produce less drag than large fins. Other active control systems can eliminate fins and canards altogether. Course changes can be made in flight by tilting the angle at which the exhaust gas leaves the rocket’s engine. Several techniques can be used for changing exhaust direction.  Vanes are small finlike devices placed inside the exhaust of the rocket engine. Tilting the vanes deflects the exhaust, and by action-reaction the rocket responds by pointing the opposite way.   Another method for changing the exhaust direction is to gimbal the nozzle. A gimbaled nozzle is one that is able to sway while exhaust gases are passing through it. By tilting the engine nozzle in the proper direction, the rocket responds by changing course. Vernier rockets can also be used to change direction. These are small rockets mounted on the outside of the large engine. They fire when needed, producing the desired course change. In space, only spinning the rocket along the roll axis or using active controls involving the engine exhaust can stabilize the rocket or change its direction. Fins and canards have nothing to work upon without air. Science fiction movies showing rockets in space with wings and fins are long on fiction and short on science. The most common kinds of active controls used in space are attitude-control rockets. Small clusters of engines are mounted all around the vehicle. By firing the right combination of these small rockets, the vehicle can be turned in any direction. As soon as they are aimed properly, the main engines fire, sending the rocket off in the new direction.   The Mass of the Rocket The mass of a rocket is another important factor affecting its performance. It can make the difference between a successful flight and wallowing around on the launch pad. The rocket engine must produce a thrust that is greater than the total mass of the vehicle before the rocket can leave the ground. A rocket with a lot of unnecessary mass will not be as efficient as one that is trimmed to just the bare essentials. The total mass of the vehicle should be distributed following this general formula for an ideal rocket:   Ninety-one percent of the total mass  should be propellants.Three percent should be tanks, engines and fins.Payload can account for 6 percent. Payloads may be satellites, astronauts or spacecraft that will travel to other planets or moons. In determining the effectiveness of a rocket design, rocketeers speak in terms of mass fraction or â€Å"MF.† The mass of the rocket’s propellants divided by the total mass of the rocket gives mass fraction:  MF (Mass of Propellants)/(Total Mass) Ideally, the mass fraction of a rocket is 0.91. One might think that an MF of 1.0 is perfect, but then the entire rocket would be nothing more than a lump of propellants that would ignite into a fireball. The larger the MF number, the less payload the rocket can carry. The smaller the MF number, the less its range becomes. An MF number of 0.91 is a good balance between payload-carrying capability and range. The Space Shuttle has an MF of approximately 0.82. The MF varies between the different orbiters in the Space Shuttle fleet and with the different payload weights of each mission. Rockets that are large enough to carry spacecraft  into space have serious weight problems. A great deal of propellant is needed for them to reach space and find proper orbital velocities. Therefore, the tanks, engines and associated hardware become larger. Up to a point, bigger rockets fly farther than smaller rockets, but when they become too large their structures weigh them down too much. The mass fraction is reduced to an impossible number. A solution to this problem can be credited to 16th-century fireworks maker Johann Schmidlap. He attached small rockets to the top of big ones. When the large rocket was exhausted, the rocket casing was dropped behind and the remaining rocket fired. Much higher altitudes were achieved. These rockets used by Schmidlap were called step rockets. Today, this technique of building a rocket is called staging. Thanks to staging, it has become possible not only to reach outer space but the moon and other planets, too. The Space Shuttle follows the step rocket principle by dropping off its solid rocket boosters and external tank when they’re exhausted of propellants.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fix Them or Fire Them Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fix Them or Fire Them - Case Study Example In this case, based on the fact that employee training and development programs are expensive to sustain especially if the business has a short employee turnover rate. To the company, regular expenses aimed at training employees make it a problem for employers to fire their employees rather than fix them. Fixing an employee involves the provision of counselling and motivation to do their work. During counselling, the author describes a situation where an employer meets with an employee to discuss the employee’s performance. Based on the employee’s input and output, the employer can compare the performance of that particular employee against the standard acceptable levels (11). The employee is then asked to provide a detailed self-analysis regarding the poor performance. If a clear set of reasons is established, the employer is able to make an informed decision to manage the employee such that he/she is able to deal with the factors influencing poor performance to ensure that the employee retains his work and the training and development costs of hiring new employees are managed. In the counselling of employees, employers or managers are required to remember various things among them the nature of the job, the performance record of the employee, the current and desired employee motivation, role of management in influencing good or bad performance, and the general welfare of the employee. With reference to employee motivation, managers or employers are required to remember that poor performance may not be caused by the employee. As a matter of fact, employees may lack job satisfaction at the current workplace based on their capabilities and how much they utilize their potential. Additionally, when the company thrives at ensuring that employees meet specific business goals. However, to ensure that the goals are achieved, and development is sustained, employers or managers must ensure that their employees have access to information and resources that

The Story of the Last Hippie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Story of the Last Hippie - Essay Example The paper will cover elements of Greg's condition and how it has influenced his lifestyle and how it may affect his future. It will cover the neurology and psychology of Greg's memory loss and how it comes to be that Oliver Sacks classes him as such an important case. The Story of the Last Hippie â€Å"The Last Hippie† refers to a man known by the name Greg F., who participated in many of the things associated with the 1960s, including the use of drugs to achieve higher consciousness and political activism. In this way, Greg can be said to have been a typical 1960s teenager, experimenting with counter culture and many things that had been unavailable or undesirable to previous generations. Oliver Sacks suggests that Greg enjoyed the music of the 1960s, attending concerts by the Grateful Dead and other such typical musical bands at the time. It was during this phase that Greg became interested in religion, and decided to attend a Hare Krishna temple and eventually became a member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. It was here that some of Greg's neurological symptoms became evident, although the members of the temple interpreted these as signs that Greg was a particularly holy member of the congregation, dedicated to meditation and Krishna. Greg was defined by those at the temple for his lack of 'worldly concern' and his freedom from desire, both physically and materially. These are two important things to the Hare Krishna community and many of those who are involved in the work of the temple strive for many years to achieve this state. In the case of Greg, he began to develop these traits almost immediately after joining. He also became known for his 'transcendent smile', something which was reminiscent of the very holiest people within the Hare Krishna community. After being a member of the temple for some time, Greg became revered and admired. Greg even began to go blind, and his eventual total blindness was seen by the community as further evidence of his holiness and his full and true participation in the community and its ways. Whilst the Hare Krishna community was in full admiration of this Buddha-like character, there were those who were wary and even concerned for Greg's health. His parents had been watching h is progress within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and noticed the differences in their son. Whilst they were pleased that their son had stopped using drugs to achieve higher states of consciousness, and pleased that he seemed to have found his place in the world, they were concerned that his state was evidence of something more sinister. They were also concerned that all communication from the New Orleans temple had stopped, and they were no longer in continuous contact with their son. His eventual blindness was the straw that broke the camel's back, and they decided to contact the health authorities and Oliver Sacks to see if there was anything lurking behind the 'transcendent smile' that their son had adopted permanently. They were right in their concern, as it turned out that Greg had a massive brain tumour which had resulted in all the symptoms that the Hare Krishna community mistook for holiness. Greg's Disorder & Future After this intervention from Greg's parents, it is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Legal Questions for Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal Questions for - Essay Example Effect of such a clause Ahead of signing a contract, one of the parties involved, like the Artist in the above example, is under the compulsion to construct definite warranties to the company. These can vary from being accessible to record at specific times and places, to the guarantee that a forbidden composition is completely contained by the control of the artist, to the pledge that the performer is capable to sign the accord in the original place. In other instances, the production corporation may correspond to to its dispenser that it has the right to make public a record, the right to use the name of the artist and resemblance, and the right to allocate, or certify, all of the company's privileges to the distributor. Both of the parties have fine reliance, dependability to make sure representations sincerely and by means of the purpose of performing them to the correspondence of the contract. If a corporation relies on convinced warranties and suffers a trouncing as a corollary , the party making those warranties may be obligated to make fine that trouncing below the indemnification clause. (Jacobson 1) Ans 2) As , per the statement , Such clauses require a party to the contract to

Applying Systems Theory to an Educational Setting Assignment

Applying Systems Theory to an Educational Setting - Assignment Example My focus of study is the educational system of Carleton University to which I have experienced studying under its Economics program. From her on, I shall use the word 'school' to denote Carleton University for brevity. The school was founded in 1942 and is located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It is situated on 62 hectares south of the city centre and is bordered by the Rideau River, the historic Rideau Canal and rather pleasant residential neighborhoods. All the information that I will be using is based from my own knowledge of the school with supplemental information from the school's website. Every university should engage in a planning process that sets not only the direction the institution is going to head but also the pacing that it will take. These plans usually require measurable outcomes for the institution to know what they have achieved and how they have fared so far. The administrative and governing body of the school is categorized into five units whose government and administrative functions are clearly defined. These units, although separate from one another, do communicate and work with another to come up with better policies and regulations regarding the school's functions. These five units and their subcomponents are given in the following: Reporting to the President, the Provost and Vic... b. Office of the President The President, also known as the Vice Chancellor, is actually the chief executive of the school. It is thru his initiative that the directions and immediate priorities are determined. c. Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Reporting to the President, the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), the chief academic officer of the University, is ultimately responsible for all academic programs and policies. The Provost's portfolio includes all academic units, Graduate Studies, the University Library, enrolment management, student affairs, the Office of the University Registrar, learning technologies and teaching support and faculty recruitment and support. d. Office of the Vice-President (Finance and Administration) The Finance and Administration Division of Carleton University are made up of the Computing and Communication Services, Finance, Human Resources, Institutional Research and Planning, Internal Audit and Advisory Services, Pension Fund Management, Physical Plant, University Safety and University Services departments. Its mission is to provide quality specialized services to the Carleton University community that provides a safe, healthy and productive environment for students, staff and faculty in which to work, study and live. e. Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) This office provides the necessary program for research, scholarship, and creative activity in sciences, business, engineering, arts, and public administration. It is also responsible for handling international affairs such as students from abroad and conferences in other countries. Administrative Services All the non-teaching services such as for business transactions, library,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What Causes Cancer Mutations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What Causes Cancer Mutations - Essay Example As genes are the basic control machine of the cells, alteration of any kind may bring devastating consequences, or malignancy. When compared with the normal cells, where damage of any kind is taken care by the repair system, tumor cells do not have any repair mechanism for the damaged DNA and there is a constant proliferation of cells without displaying senescence hence, generating a series of abnormal cells, with altered cellular pathways for uncontrolled proliferation, figuring malignant tumors (Alberts 2007; Katzang et al. 2009). The Genesis of a Cancer Cell A normal cell turns into a cancer cell because of one or more mutations in its DNA, which can be inherited or acquired. Mutation is sudden abrupt changes that occur in the genetic material i.e. the DNA of the cell. This genetic material is facilitated by various agents called mutagens. Mutagens can be either physical agents such as UV radiations, X-rays etc or they could be some chemical agents which are capable of producing c hanges in the cell by reacting with cellular macromolecules. These chemical agents form bond with the cellular macromolecules, thereby alter their normal structures. If they combine with the genetic material, the peptide formation is affected. Thus, these mutagenic agents affect the normal well being of the cell and when such a defective cell replicates the cellular modification is also passed on. These cellular alterations may lead to cancer, where the carcinogenic agents (cancer causing) are capable of altering the cell division leading to the uncontrolled proliferation of the cell (Alberts 2007; Chemical Carcinogens, Web.). In case of the breast cancer, woman who inherits a single defective copy of either of these tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 displays an augmented risk of developing breast cancer. However, carcinogenesis is a complex, multistage process, usually involving more than one genetic change. Other epigenetic factors responsible for carcinogenesis involve epige netic factors, such as level of hormones in the body, exposure to carcinogens and tumor promoting agents. These epigenetic factors do not produce cancer by themselves but enhances the likelihood of genetic mutation(s) resulting in cancer (Katzang et al. 2009). These genetic changes are categorized as - A. The activation of proto-oncogenes to oncogenes: Proto-oncogenes are the normal genes present in the cells and are responsible for controlling cell division, cell differentiation and apoptosis. A triggering factor such as a virus or exposure to any carcinogen brings malignant changes in the cell. B. The inactivation of tumor suppressor genes: A cell has the mechanism to protect itself from uncontrolled proliferation and tumor formation due to expression of genes called tumor suppressor genes. These genes possess the ability to suppress malignant changes and are also referred as antioncogenes. Mutation in proto-oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes results in the proliferation of tumor . Thus, a loss of function of tumor suppressor genes can be the critical event in carcinogenesis (Rang et al. 2007; Katzang 2009). More than 30 tumor suppressor genes as well as more than 100 dominant oncogenes have been found to be associated with various types of cancers (Rang et al. 2007). Characteristics of Cancer cells The genetic basis of cancer has been revealed through numerous animal models. The Cancer Genome Atlas aims at methodically differentiating the configurational source of cancer, through recognition of the genomic mutations linked with every cancer form. A corresponding progress and description forms the basis of understanding growth and external appearance of the cancer or tumor called the phenotype of the cancer, is essential for designing drugs that can

Genocide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genocide - Essay Example This document distinguishes several types of perpetrators and their involvement in genocide through examples. It also defines the content of the crime according to the international law and the convention towards the prevention and punishment of genocide. Finally, the different kinds of genocide based on their intent as retributive, cultural, latent, optimal, and utilitarian are discussed. Most people in the society tend to use the general concepts such as mass murder and massacre, while referring to genocide. They may also associate the delivery of justice with the local governments after the crime, since they have no idea of the international protection by the law. Genocide is a crime defined in the international criminal law, and is currently handled by the International Criminal Court (ICC), based in the Netherlands at Hague. The ICC aims to protect the potential victims, bring to trial or apprehend suspected perpetrators, while giving justice to the affected in the society. Several international organizations define the crime based on destruction targeting a particular group of people within a domain; however, what distinguishes the crime from others is the motivation behind it. According to Rummel (2002), history shows different situations where people had been murdered under the authority of their rulers and governments, either in war or by strict instructions given to exterminate rebellious groups; even though, legal application of the term ‘Genocide’ came into use first in the indictment of the Nazi war criminals, at Nuremburg tribunal between 1945 and 1946, in association with Raphael Lemkin. Although the ICC is an independent judicial system, it works closely with the United Nations to uphold human rights and campaign against genocide. The crime of genocide is not limited to mass killings but it covers a wide scope. It is defined in the international law in the convention on the prevention and punishment

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Causes Cancer Mutations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What Causes Cancer Mutations - Essay Example As genes are the basic control machine of the cells, alteration of any kind may bring devastating consequences, or malignancy. When compared with the normal cells, where damage of any kind is taken care by the repair system, tumor cells do not have any repair mechanism for the damaged DNA and there is a constant proliferation of cells without displaying senescence hence, generating a series of abnormal cells, with altered cellular pathways for uncontrolled proliferation, figuring malignant tumors (Alberts 2007; Katzang et al. 2009). The Genesis of a Cancer Cell A normal cell turns into a cancer cell because of one or more mutations in its DNA, which can be inherited or acquired. Mutation is sudden abrupt changes that occur in the genetic material i.e. the DNA of the cell. This genetic material is facilitated by various agents called mutagens. Mutagens can be either physical agents such as UV radiations, X-rays etc or they could be some chemical agents which are capable of producing c hanges in the cell by reacting with cellular macromolecules. These chemical agents form bond with the cellular macromolecules, thereby alter their normal structures. If they combine with the genetic material, the peptide formation is affected. Thus, these mutagenic agents affect the normal well being of the cell and when such a defective cell replicates the cellular modification is also passed on. These cellular alterations may lead to cancer, where the carcinogenic agents (cancer causing) are capable of altering the cell division leading to the uncontrolled proliferation of the cell (Alberts 2007; Chemical Carcinogens, Web.). In case of the breast cancer, woman who inherits a single defective copy of either of these tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 displays an augmented risk of developing breast cancer. However, carcinogenesis is a complex, multistage process, usually involving more than one genetic change. Other epigenetic factors responsible for carcinogenesis involve epige netic factors, such as level of hormones in the body, exposure to carcinogens and tumor promoting agents. These epigenetic factors do not produce cancer by themselves but enhances the likelihood of genetic mutation(s) resulting in cancer (Katzang et al. 2009). These genetic changes are categorized as - A. The activation of proto-oncogenes to oncogenes: Proto-oncogenes are the normal genes present in the cells and are responsible for controlling cell division, cell differentiation and apoptosis. A triggering factor such as a virus or exposure to any carcinogen brings malignant changes in the cell. B. The inactivation of tumor suppressor genes: A cell has the mechanism to protect itself from uncontrolled proliferation and tumor formation due to expression of genes called tumor suppressor genes. These genes possess the ability to suppress malignant changes and are also referred as antioncogenes. Mutation in proto-oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes results in the proliferation of tumor . Thus, a loss of function of tumor suppressor genes can be the critical event in carcinogenesis (Rang et al. 2007; Katzang 2009). More than 30 tumor suppressor genes as well as more than 100 dominant oncogenes have been found to be associated with various types of cancers (Rang et al. 2007). Characteristics of Cancer cells The genetic basis of cancer has been revealed through numerous animal models. The Cancer Genome Atlas aims at methodically differentiating the configurational source of cancer, through recognition of the genomic mutations linked with every cancer form. A corresponding progress and description forms the basis of understanding growth and external appearance of the cancer or tumor called the phenotype of the cancer, is essential for designing drugs that can

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

User Groups And Their Usage Perception Of Financial Statement Essay

User Groups And Their Usage Perception Of Financial Statement - Essay Example The above discussion is totally emphasized on the user groups of financial statements of Torotrak Plc and Surface Transformers Plc. The companies have been analyzed by considering the 3-year financial statement. Both internal and external user groups of the financial statement have been considered such as investors, lenders, suppliers, management, employees and the Government. This analysis shows the various perspectives in which each user analyze a financial statement. From investor’s point of view, it can be considered that company’s share prices are low and as a rational investor, buying shares of this company can prove to be profitable in the future. As the companies are in developing phase, the payables are quite high, but if seen on a year-on-year basis, it is also reducing. Hence, a supplier would not bother to stop their supply as they are getting paid. The analysis has illustrated the responsibility of management to evaluate and maintain efficiency and profitability of the firm by emphasizing on their efficiency to retain profit by maximizing the utilization of resources. Employees generally look into profit making of the company to understand their potential in terms of providing remuneration in an efficient and timely manner. Government focuses on taxes and as these companies are loss making, the tax levied on them are also low. Finally, it could be concluded that even if the companies are bearing losses, they are still tryi ng to control their costs, use their resources effectively and reduce the gap of their losses over year-on-year.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Renaissance Essay Example for Free

Renaissance Essay We mark Italian societys rebirth from the medieval period with the changes that occurred during the Italian Renaissance. Civilization was changing and what we consider the modern world was about to begin. The renaissance activity that happened in Europe outside of Italy is called the Northern European Renaissance. Italys humanist ideas and values moved out of Italy and throughout Europe, which spurred on the Northern European Renaissance. The Renaissance period began in the early 14th Century and lasted until the late 16th Century. Renaissance† comes from the French word that means â€Å"rebirth. † This time period is named and studied because of its unique art, literature, and music. It is also known as societys modern age. The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and technological changes which swept Europe from the end of the 13th century. It was integral in developing Europe was subjected to different changes there were two primary renaissance which were most notable. They were the Italian and the Northern renaissance. Both of the renaissance had a profound impact on Europe. But they also had some typical differences among them and each was unique in its own way. Early in the 14th Century, Italian scholars started to study the ancient cultures that preceded them, like those of Greece and the Roman Empire. This scholarly interest would lead to the Italian Renaissance. Italy and Europe was ready for change after the harrowing destruction of the Black Plague in the Middle Ages. Florence, Italy, was the home of the start of the Renaissance. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, culture, politics, and the arts had only been in decline. Petrarch advocated learning about Italys Latin and Roman history. The Pope and the royalty liked this idea, so other scholars begun to study in the same vein. These scholars valued the accomplishments of the Romans, but they wanted to improve on their society instead of blindly trying to recreate the same thing. These scholars wrote books that would stimulate Italians thinking and give them a new purpose. Italy was divided into distinct city-states, which gave them a more modern, and regional, cultural outlook. The city-states thrived, banking increased, and trade became more important. As Italian society became wealthier, they could strengthen their culture and their ideologies became entrenched. Wealthy people had the means to patronize and fund artists. Scientific development spurred Humanism as well as some of historys most important artists. Architecture evolved beyond the Gothic. The Renaissance period is considered the intellectual birth of modern society. Most thinkers were concerned with humanity and how to become a good and honorable person. The European, but not Italian, renaissance period is called the Northern European Renaissance. Similar growth in society and culture happened in Northern Europe as occurred in Italy during this time. This architecture did not change munch in the beginning, and did not stray far from the Gothic style that preceded it. Humanist changes resembling those in Italy also happened in the culture of Northern Europe. The Italian Renaissance focused its questions on humanity and mans ability to grow and develop. The Northern European Renaissance, though, focused on the secular reform of society and government. As Italian society changed as a result of their Renaissance, the people of Northern Europe became uneasy with Rome and the Popes control of their church. They thought that Italian powers had slipped away from traditional, strict, Christian belief and dogma. They began to strive to reform the church. The Italian Renaissance and the Northern European Renaissance did not happen in exactly the same ways. Italy grew and prospered with their city-state governance, while an aristocracy still controlled Northern Europe. Wealthy Italians patronized the arts, while in Northern Europe the arts were funded by the rulers and the church. Renaissance period art was bright and realistic, and the art of the Northern European Renaissance also followed this Italian style. Artists in Italy tended to work on paintings, sculpture, and architecture. In Northern Europe, artists created furniture, tapestries, and manuscripts. Europes wealthy had a lot of homes; they needed a lot of furniture and decorations. Literature in both regions was concerned with humans and humanity. Italians explored the idea that man was rational and decided rationally how to be a good person. Literature in Northern Europe was more concerned with the Catholic Churchs humanity and how to reform the church. Both areas wanted to reform the church – Northern Europe was more concerned with religion. Art in the Italian Renaissance was paid for by wealthy people. This art was concerned with nature. This art used a contrast between dark and light, 3D perspective, and human images. Northern European art used similar methods as Italian artists, but they were more concerned with depicting religion. Italian art used scenes from religion, mythology, the natural world, and eroticism. Northern European artists made portraits, scenes from the Bible, and tapestries. Aristocrats and the church owned most of the artwork. Below and to the left is a tapestry woven during the Northern European Renaissance called The Wedding Dance. This tapestry was made by the artist Peter Brueghel from the Netherlands. Not many pieces focused on the lives of everyday people as this one did – most were religious in nature instead. The work below and to-the-right is emblematic of the Italian Renaissance. It was pained by Giorgio Vasari.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Black Legend and White Legend: Relationship Between the Spanish an

The Black Legend and White Legend: Relationship Between the Spanish and Indians in the New World The Spanish-Indian relationship can be defined in many ways. One definition used is through the Black Legend and the White Legend. The interpretation of the Black Legend can depend on whom you are talking to. The Black Legend speaks of the Spaniards abusing the Indians and being guilty of much more misconduct than history has ever recorded. The White Legend speaks of how the Spaniards benefitted the Indian society by building communities, hospitals and spreading the Word of God. There are two reasons why the Spaniards were so intent on spreading the Gospel. The first is because Spain wanted to ensure political and military means of safety and independence of their own religious community and even more so their predominance over others. The second was a deeper desire to convert, which included appealing to the minds and hearts of individual unbelievers by preaching, reasoning and if needed by force (Plumb 152). The conquest of the new world began with a small band of Spanish soldiers. The soldiers proceeded to march against and subdue the huge population of the mainland (Black 24). The Black Legend speaks of all that the Spanish had done to the Indians and the horrible things done to them and the land. This Black Legend exists only in areas where the people are "anti-Hispanic" especially where English is spoken, and in modern Spanish America (24). The White Legend is true only in reverse. The people who claim to believe in this Legend hold to the belief that the Spanish were a credit to society and help the Indians in their everyday lives by providing livestock and new medici... ... they had never intended to live. They were forced to lose their families in the name of the Spanish crown and the Spanish crown had only a vague knowledge of what was really happening in the new world. Which one, whether Black or White Legend, a person believes will have to depend on their own personal view of the truth. Bibliography Gibson, Charles. The Black Legend: Anti-Spanish Attitudes in the Old World and the new. New York: Knopf 1971. --------- Spain in America. New York: Harper 1966. --------- Spanish Tradition in America. Ny: Harper 1968. Haring, C.H. The Spanish Empire in America. New York: Oxford 1947. Ludenfeld, Marvin. 1492 Discovery Invasion Encounter. Massachussets: 1991. Plumb, J.H. The Spanish Seaborne Empire. New York: Knopf 1966. Sale, Kirkpatrick. The Conquest of Paradise. New York: Plume 1990.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Overconfidence and Arrogance in To Build a Fire by Jack London Essay

Overconfidence and Arrogance in To Build a Fire by Jack London Overconfidence and arrogance led to the death of the man in Jack London's "To Build a Fire." This overconfidence in his own abilities led to him making poor decisions and scorning the advice of those who know what they are talking about. Instead, he laughs at the old man after he tells him "a man should travel with a partner" (1769) and goes out into the frigid weather anyway. He knew that it was 75 degrees below zero and that his body was numb but he didn't care because he thought he could handle it. Even when he was about to die he thought, "freezing to death is not as bad as people thought it was"(1772) and "when he got back to the states he could tell the folks what real cold was."(1772) Obviously the man did not take the situation seriously. Instead of dying with dignity he thought about himself "running around like a chicken with its head cut off." (1772) He time and again snubs the warnings that he is receiving from nature. He encountered many warnings that it was too cold to be outside. First...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Strategic Audit Report of Apple

apex [pic] CHAPTER ONE Introduction Part 1. Background of report To expand the practical knowledge by implementing theoretical knowledge through the internship program that would make a student to become a competitive with the outside world. That program not only increases the knowledge but also give the idea about organizational activities before entering into an organization. STATE University OF BANGLADESH is one of the reputed private university in Bangladesh, has designed the curriculum of BBA course such way that international graduates will be produced.After competing 120 credits, one student need to go for further 4 credit internship programs in a commercial organization. From this internship program students get the opportunity to learn facing the real business world. My faculty supervisor Kazi Atif Anwar, approved the topic and authorized me to prepare this report as part of the fulfillment of internship requirement. The report thus was titled as â€Å"Analysis of Consumer satisfaction ofApex Adelchi Footwear Ltd† 1. 2. Rationale of the study The business world is getting dynamic and competitive day by day.It is hard for an organization to run & even survive in a fast paced, growing and uncertain world if it cannot keep tracks with the go of business dynamism. Business plays and links important roles in developing the economy of a country. So, as a business graduate, I think I need to be attached with any organization to get a handy & versatile experience about the business world before starting our career. Internship is the arrangement, which makes a bridge between our academic knowledge and practical world to have an acquaintance with the real business world as well as to gear me up to lead the future competitive business.I have worked in the Marketing division of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited, head office, Gulshan-1, Dhaka. In this report, I will try to make an overall consumer analysis of AAFL. 1. 3 Objectives of the report: General Objectiv e: ? The primary objective of this report is to explore of consumer analysis of Apex Adelchi Footwear Ltd. Secondary Objective: ? To show an overview of the company(vision, mission, value, product offerings, associates companies) ? To present an overview of Department of Gallerie Apex. ? To present an overview of footwear industry, economic condition of Bangladesh & worldwide. 1. 4 Methodology:While conducting the report, sources were explored for primary information and data. But hardly any updated data could be found. In the absence of updated information or data dependence on secondary has been inevitable. However, wherever possibly primary data has been used. Data were also collected by interviewing the responsible officers and from some documents & statements printed by the Apex and the website of AAFL. There have been used some statistical tools (Microsoft Office Excel table) and graphical representation (Microsoft Office Excel chart) to find out different types of analytical results and interpretations. . 4. 1 Primary Data Collection: Primary data ? Practical desk work. ? Face to face conversation with the officers and clients. ? Face to face conversation with the consumer ? Data collection of own supervision. 1. 4. 2 Secondary Data Collection: Secondary Data ? Annual report of AAFL. ? Official files and folders. ? Working papers. ? Selected books. ? Published and unpublished documents. ? Website. 1. 5 Limitations of the Study: As I did my internship program in Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited & I worked in the Marketing Department so my report is fully based on the consumer satisfaction analysis of the company.But to prepare this report I faced little difficulties through I have also got some limitation which are: ? The first limitation is that I failed to sketch the complete picture of the Apex activities at the period of my internship programmed. So I tried my best to focus on what I have done and also tried to make it consistent with other part of the report. ? The second limitation is the lack of intellectual thought and analytical ability to make in a perfect one. I have to offset with quality due to time constraint, which apparently seems to be the most severe limitation. Sufficient records & publications as well as up to date information are not readily available. ? Another limitation of this report is that the company’s policy of not to disclose some data & information for obvious reason, which could be much more useful. 1. 6 Scope of the Study: The report commences with the analysis of the footwear industry, company in focus, presenting the mission & vision, the values & product, description of 8 associates companies, Market related issues are discussed in detail along with their results and possibilities.In this report consumer analysis has been discussed detailed as a result the management can take decisions regarding modifying their plans for give more facility for the consumer. [pic] CHAPTER TWO Company Analysis 2. 1. Historical Background Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited (AAFL) is a leading export-oriented leather footwear manufacturer in Bangladesh. It is the largest exporter of leather footwear from Bangladesh. Currently holding the second position, the company is also one of the fastest growing footwear companies in the local market.Despite the effects of global economic turmoil and scarcity of raw hide due to natural disasters, the company has performed well in the last couple of years. Bangladesh to major shoe retailers in Western Europe, North America and Japan. AAFL was incorporated on January 04, 1990. In the same year it went into commercial production with an installed capacity of 1000 pairs per day and 350 employees. Today the company is producing 15000 pairs of shoes per day, employing over 7,500 people in two factories. Apex Adelchi has quickly established itself as one of the most recognizable brands in the footwear market of Bangladesh.The exports by Apex Adelchi accounts for 4 5% of the total footwear exports from Bangladesh. With 6% of market share in local market, they are behind only to Bata Shoe, which holds 22% of market share. Because of their superior quality compared to that of Bata, Apex Adelchi’s products have given the local market a very good alternative to Bata. Although the company remains a predominantly export-oriented company, they have also taken the local market very seriously, which may prove to be decisive in the long run. AAFL Company has exported more than 3. million pairs of shoes to Europe, Japan and USA per annum. Their earning was more than 4,000 million euros from export. They have concentrated mainly on the export market. These export market comprises them more than 90% of their sales. They also have a growing local market for their products. Their local products were sold through a chain of retail shoe outlets in Bangladesh by the name of Gallerie Apex. Gallerie Apex has recently launched genuine Disney branded footwea r through its stores to cater to the kids segment.AAFL is committed to productivity and quality growth to attain its objective of being a leading footwear manufacturer of Asia through its mission of â€Å"Honest Growth†. 2. 2 Company Profile:  ¬ Name of the Company: Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited.  ¬ Date of Commencement of Business as Apex Footwear Limited: January 4 1990.  ¬ Name Change to Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited: December 27, 2006.  ¬ Type of Company: Public Limited Company BOARD OF DIRECTORS Syed Manzur Elahi :Chairman Syed Nasim Manzur :Managing Director Munize Manzur Khasru :DirectorSyed Gias Hussain :Director Niaz Ahmed Choudhury:Director Adelchi Sergio :Director Samson H. Chowdhury : Independent Director D. MANAGEMENT TEAM Syed Nasim Manzur :Managing Director Syed Gias Hussain :Deputy Managing Director & CFO Abdul Momen Bhuiyan: Executive Director A. A. Mosaddeque :Executive Director Dilip Kajuri :Financial Controller S. M. Shahjahan :Company Secretary Pr adip Kanti Saha :General Manager Atiqul Islam :General Manager (Leather) Syed Md. Mustaque :General Manager (Factory)Md. Mominul Ahsan :Head of Human Resources 2. 3Associates Companies: ? Apex Tannery Limited. ? Adelchi Footwear Bangladesh Limited. ? Apex Pharma Limited. ? Grey Advertising Bangladesh Limited. ? Quantum Marketing Research BD Limited. ? Mutual Trust Bank limited. ? Pioneer Insurance Company Limited. ? Gallerie Apex |[pic] | 2. 3. 1: Apex Tannery Limited A leading manufacturer and exporter of finished and crust leather from Bangladesh to major products manufacturers in China, Japan and Italy. (apexadelchi. om, 2010)The company has annual export revenues of USD 37 million in 2006-2007, comprising almost 15% of the total export earnings from leather of Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)ATL pioneered the export of value added crust and finished leather from Bangladesh and accessed capital markets for growth. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)ATL introduced the first convertible d ebenture in Bangladesh and has been publicly traded since 1986. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)ATL currently employs 955 persons, is professionally managed and is in full compliance Report under Section 2CC of the Securities & Exchange Commission Notification Order.ATL is also the first tannery in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 1 Adelchi Footwear Bangladesh Limited. It is a leading manufacturer and exporter of leather footwear from Bangladesh to major shoe retailers in Western Europe, North America and Japan. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)The company has revenues of 444 crore taka in 2007. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)AAFL pioneered the export of value added finished products export in the leather sector of Bangladesh and is also involved in the local footwear retail business with the second largest shoe retail network in the country. apexadelchi. com, 2010)AAFL has equity, technical and marketing participation from La Nuova Adelchi one of the largest footwear manufacturers of Italy . (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Public listed and traded since 1993, AAFL is professionally managed, currently employs more than 6800 persons and is in full compliance with Corporate Governance Compliance Report under Section 2CC of the Securities Exchange Commission Notification Order. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic]2. 3. 3: Apex Pharma LimitedOne of the fastest growing, ISO 9001-2000 certified new generation pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution companies in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)APL started its operation in 2002, currently employs 1300 persons and markets 126 dosage forms from its Saver plant. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)The company's growth in 2006 was 65% against industry growth of 6% according to IMS. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)The company is in the process of setting up a new state-of-art manufacturing plant which completed in 2009. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) pic]2. 3. 4: Grey Advertising Bangladesh Limited. The first joint venture international full service advertising agency to set up in Bangladesh, GABL is today the largest stand alone agency in Bangladesh with billings of USD 6 million in 2006. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)GABL is a market leader with a dynamic team of young and talented professionals and has won an unprecedented 4 years in a row (2003-2007) the Agency of the year Award, at the Srijan Samman Awards for all Bengali advertising work done in India and Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. om, 2010)In additional work done for its local as well as multinational corporate has won innumerable local and international Awards and accolades. GABL is a member of the Grey Group owned by WPP. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 5: Quantum Market Research BD Limited. Quantum Market Research Bangladesh Limited (QMRBL), a joint venture between Quantum Market Research Private Ltd of India and Apex Enterprises Ltd a Bangladeshi company, is the leading specialized qualitative market research agency in Bangladesh which provides research services to multinational and local manufacturers and service providers in and outside Bangladesh. apexadelchi. com, 2010)Its strong strategic link with its parent company Quantum Market Research Private Ltd, India (Operating in the South Asian and Asia-Pacific Region) has also facilitated effective and continuous knowledge transfer at a sub-continent, regional and global level. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Besides market research, QMRBL also provides effective service in qualitative social & development research to a number of local organizations and development partners. (apexadelchi. om, 2010)Since its inception in June 2004, QMRBL has conducted 284 studies in the areas of consumer psyche, brand development, communication, human resources development, social and organizational development and production practices. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)QMRBL employs 14 expert researchers and 5 supporting staff as permanent employees along with 75 field staff who work on a contract-basis. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 6: Mutual Trust Bank Limited A Third Generation (License) Commercial Bank sponsored by Square, ACI and Apex which is the largest and most reputed businesses in Bangladesh. apexadelchi. com, 2010)MTBL today enjoys some of the highest credit ratings in the industry. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Publicly listed, traded and professionally managed, MTBL is a market leader amongst financial institutions of Bangladesh and now this bank is very much renowned. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)This bank plays the most important role in the economy by collecting money from the individuals and lends them to others. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Now bank’s offer the widest range of financial services and perform lot of financial functions.It has many branches all over the country. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 7: Pioneer Insurance Company Limited. PICL is a general insurance company offering a wide range of non-life insurance products to retail and corporate customers in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)This company is sponsored by Square, ACI and Apex which is the largest and most reputed businesses in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)PICL has established itself as one of the most respected players in the industry. apexadelchi. com, 2010)Publicly listed, traded and professionally managed, PICL enjoys 90th percentile rankings in a very crowded space of over 40 companies. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 8 Gallerie Apex: Gallerie Apex is the local manufacturing and retail wing of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited (AAFL). While AAFL has predominantly earned both critical and commercial fame through export of high quality leather footwear in the international arena, Gallerie Apex has sought to adeptly make use of that xpertise to provide high quality, fashionable footwear to the Bangladeshi consumers. With over 140 own retail outlets and 150 authorized resellers, Gallerie Apex ensures nationwide coverage of its diverse range of footwear for its consumers. Through its eight in -house brands, namely Venturini, Apex Men’s, Sprint, Lotto, Moochie, Nino Rossi, Sandra Rosa, Revive and Twinkler, Gallerie Apex carries a huge selection of shoes and sandals, ensuring that each of our valued customer finds the footwear that is just right for them. Product category MEN |WOMEN |CHILDREN |OTHERS | |Casual shoe |Boot |Shoe |Shocks | |Dress shoe |Long boot |Sandel |Shoe care product | |Sendel | |School shoe |Hand purse | |Converse | | |Beg | | | | |Belt | [pic] 2. 4 Mission & vision VISION â€Å"Honest Growth† MISSION To ensure sustainable growth To be a vendor of choice for our customers To create value for our shareholders To be proactively compliant with global best practices & standards To be a responsible corporate citizen 2. 5 Values: ( Respect for people – Demonstrate respect by developing our people and helping them to achieve high performance standards. – Treat all people with dignity. ( Integrity – Honesty – Walk the t alk. Sense of Urgency – Strive for speed and simplicity in everything we do. ( Empowerment – Encourage and reward self-confidence and initiative – Require accountability 2. 6 Future: Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited has regained their focus on productivity and they have been forced to reassess their business model. (Apex annual report, 2009) They have made efficiency a byword, starting from wastage of materials to improving line wise productivity and this focus will remain. (Apex annual report, 2009) They have sought out and developed new and better sources of raw materials; they have identified new markets and segments where they have huge potential for growth. Apex annual report, 2009) They have also actively begun the process of reducing their financial expenses by exploring new innovative funding options. (Apex annual report, 2009) On the domestic front they are reinforcing their retail format with new formats in the wholesale space. (Apex annual report, 2009) They have launched several very large format stores which are generating good returns and also begun a phased renovation of older stores. (Apex annual report, 2009) They will continue to refresh and renew their product range to ensure that they deliver on their promise to maximize customer delight and choice. (Apex annual report, 2009) As the global markets emerge slowly, from recession they are ready to take full advantage of the new opportunities that emerge. Apex annual report, 2009) The power situation in Bangladesh has already reached crisis proportions and Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited averaged more than 7 hours of load shedding per day in March 2010. (Apex annual report, 2009) Adelchi Footwear Limited is equipped with sufficient diesel standby generators but they are not designed to run for such long hours at a stretch and the wear and tear and operating costs are very high. (Apex annual report, 2009) This is a serious threat to their ability to meet their production targets and operate their plant optimally and profitably. (Apex annual report, 2009) They must now actively explore immediate power solutions like switching to alternative energy sources such as HSFO based captive power generation. Apex annual report, 2009) The global shift towards green sourcing is a reality and it has already started in the footwear industry. (Apex annual report, 2009) Today their entire supply chain must be environmental sustainable and obviously the present tannery industry in Hazaribagh is unable to meet these standards. (Apex annual report, 2009) They must start to plan for an alternative production source of environmentally friendly finished leather from raw hides that can meet global standards. (Apex annual report, 2009) The global footwear market is forecasted to reach USD 272. 5 billion by 2013 and Europe is the single largest market accounting for 42. 3 percent of global value. Apex annual report, 2009) Bangladesh enjoys preferential access to this market, has a competitive and young labor force and is blessed with a domestic raw material advantage in terms of locally available hides and skins. (Apex annual report, 2009) Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited must now turn its focus on maximizing these strengths and ensuring that they are prepared to meet the new challenges of power supply, developing capability and offering shorter lead times to market. (Apex annual market as a forerunner in this industry in Bangladesh but they must now redouble their pace to maintain their leadership position and achieve their goal of global standards of excellence. (Apex annual report, 2009) 2. 7 Product:Since the beginning of the retailing business, in 1990, AAFL received a remarkable response from the local market which motivated the company to expand over the years. Today, the company offers the local consumers of Bangladesh a much wider range of products than before. Most of the products that are offered in the local market by AAFL are relatively different fr om the ones that are exported, especially in terms of design and material. The reason behind this is the different climate, culture and the demand of the consumers of local and foreign markets. For example, AAFL exports products like ladies boots which are not available in the local market because the boots do not complement with neither the clothes that most of the ladies wear nor the culture of the country.So, AAFL offers ladies open sandal to meet the demand of the local market which, on the other hand is not exported as it would not satisfy the taste of foreign consumers. Thus, the product development unit of AAFL is continuously working to develop products based on the needs and wants of the local consumers. In the local market AAFL is mainly known for men’s footwear and sandals but recently the company has extended the product range with ladies and kids products. The table above clearly shows that the emphasis is more on the of men’s products than the ladies and children products. However, recently AAFL launched genuine Disney branded footwear through the retail stores to furnish to the kids segment.Disney provided the license to AAFL to launch footwear for children designed with for instance the Disney characters like Pooh bear, Mickey Mouse, etc. According to men’s shoes, there are three products brand like Venturing, Apex and Sprint are common and ladies sandals; Sandra Rosa, Nino Rossi and Apex are common. Men’s shoes size starts from 39-44 and sandal size starts from 35-41. There have different row to display particular brand product like shoes, sandals, socks, kid’s sandals etc. Price of men’s shoes starts from 1250Tk-5500Tk, sandals 400Tk-1950Tk, ladies sandals 380Tk-2250Tk, comfort socks 150Tk-250Tk. Price of leather Goods is 600Tk. Components of Manufacturing Shoes: There are some components required for making a pair of shoes.These components assemble with each other step by step. The manufacturing proc edure depends on some components which need to make a pair of shoes. UPPER: Upper is the main part of shoes. This upper made by leather, synthetic, fabric, rubber. In upper side different components or parts of leather are combined by stitch this stitch is various types like lock stitch, chain stitch, jhik jhak stitch, heavy stitch and moccasin. LINIING: This is the inside part of upper, it can be also leather, synthetic, fabrics (depends on shoe design). SOCK: Sock is to comfort the inner part of shoes. It can be synthetic, foam. IN-SOLE: This in-sole placed at upper side of sole.It can be leather board, cellulose board, fiber board, Ethyl Vinyl Acetate (EVA). SOLE: It stands the lower part of shoes to adjust upper body. It can be rubber, leather board and wood, PU (Poly Uri thane), Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) and Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). HILL: Hill is to balance the body of shoes and it can be rubber, wood. ADHESIVE: This is a gum which can use with sole to fit the upper side of shoes. There are different types of adhesives like: 2. 8 SWOT Analysis of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited: Strengths: AAFL has advanced machines and skilled manpower which make it possible to produce high quality footwear. As a SBU of Apex group, it also has good financial backup.As a partner company of Adelchi, Apex gets product designs from them which make it possible for them to follow Italian fashion trend. They have renowned brand image in the footwear market. Weakness: AAFL? s product price is comparatively high. On the other hand, their ladies and kids footwear brands are not that much strong. Furthermore, they have to depend on foreign suppliers for raw materials and design support. Opportunities: The quality of the leather available in Bangladesh is really very good. Furthermore, here labor cost is low which makes it possible to produce the products more cheaply. On the other hand, young generation is now more fashion oriented and brand conscious.Threats: Consumers are now m ore prices sensitive day by day. Furthermore, most of the raw materials are not locally available. Beside this, leather price is increasing day by day due to high demand. Production is also hampering due to electricity crisis CHAPTER THREE Departments of Gallerie Apex 3. 1 Operating functions of Gallerie Apex: Operating functions of Gallerie Apex (GAPX) is more effective according to the vision of this company. Whole process of GAPX operates a functional team on the demand of whole marketing process. These departments are shown as below: ? Human Resource Division. ? Product Development. ? Marketing Department. ? Sales Department. MIS Department. ? Merchandising Department. ? Supply Chain Department. ? Accounts Section. 3. 2Human Resource Division: This division always monitors the facilities of employees and to check problems. There are some activities that HR department also do for the employees of Gallerie Apex like: ( Human Resource Planning ( Recruitment and selection ( Compensa tion and Benefit ( Accommodation ( Health and safety ( Employee and worker relation ( Training and development ( Motivation ( Maintenance Every manager and employees of every company wants a healthy and safe work environment. This environment is one of the more challenging areas for HR department.This department of Gallerie Apex provides maximum safety and healthy environment under their activities. 3. 3 Product Development and Market Consultant: This product development team starts a new merchandising wing of Gallerie Apex. This section called Design Studio. This is the new innovation of product development, creates new design of shoes for new generation and analyzes the market in a short time. In design studio the swing machine is for the upper stretching of leather & scaling machine makes the leather thin. Leather quality is very good & it imports from Pakistan, Italy & Apex own tannery. (Through this studio the research can done very frequently & positive way.Behind this activit y design studio operates some other works for Gallerie Apex like: ( Design & Technical Support ( To standardize the component of product ( Try to decrease the price of product ( Market Trend Analysis ( Find out the competitors ( Short Time research ( To collect the best quality shoe component ( To check the quality of finished goods ( Delivering 3. 4 Sales Department: Always keeps monitoring the sale condition of all galleries. Assistant General Manager (AGM)-Sales and Manager-Sales always monitor the new suitable market place which can be profitable business for Gallerie Apex. Under this sales department there have strong monitoring team called ASE (Area Sales Executive).They are working at zonal basis like Dhaka North,Dhaka Central, Dhaka South, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi and Khulna 3. 5 Management and Information: It is a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store and distribute information to support decision making A computer information system based on 6 com ponents such as, ( Hardware ( Software ( Data/ Information ( Procedure ( Communication ( People There have some role of MIS which is necessary for all business and this department of Gallerie Apex also works in this point; ( Improved communication system ( Data management and faster decision making ( Online data access ( Systematic management and information MIS department of Gallerie Apex is much established according to their job work.This department collects sale report on entire galleries and input the database which should be daily, weekly and monthly basis. This department input the data of daily sale information like, ( Actual sale amount ( Number of sold pair goods. ( Sold pair of shoes 3. 6Marketing Department: According to marketing concept, this department of Gallerie Apex holds the key to achieve its organizational goal consists of the company being more effective than other competitors in skill, delivering and communicating superior customer value to its chosen target m arket. Marketing department evaluate the present footwear market condition. ) Marketing team also research how Apex brand can be established through utilize 4Ps concept in the market. Gallerie Apex has a reputation in market place, so marketing department should take some initial steps for the modification or more development of this present image. There are some works that marketing department always do; 1. Training and Development- Training for store manager, for sales man, for Area Sales Executive (ASE). 2. Merchandise Analysis- Marketing department analyzes the merchandise procedure. Marketing department also checks the market demand of some selected articles, monitors the sale review, checks the best sale of product, which article should be more running. 3. Merchandise Action- Is there any problem come to mind about in store merchandising, then marketing department takes initiative of that step. 4.Market Research- Marketing Department also works about the research of footwear m arket. If there any scopes that can be applied for the development of product and market, this department also investigate that. Brand Development, a brand is an art of corner store of marketing It is a name, term, sign and symbol or combination of them intended to identify the goods or services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Marketing department also works to enlarge this brand. Corporate Branding, This marketing department of Gallerie Apex also works about corporate branding policy. Here some activities that has plan of this department is like; ( Vehicle Branding ( Hording sign Social Events ( Corporate Branding umbrella ( Shoe related fashion show ( Advertising In order for publicity of any particular sales promotion or any new seasonal offer, marketing department of Gallerie Apex uses some advertising media. (Abrour) These are as follows, ( TVC ( RDC ( Press Ad 3. 7 Functions & Responsibilities of supply chain: Supply chain department distribu tes product in whole galleries all over the country. After issuing the purchase order & manufacturing of product, supply chain work begins. First product goes to Central Distribution Centre (CDC) with bills, delivery Chelan & VAT paper. Product comes from factory, source and import.At CDC they check the products quality, box, article no, with Quality Control report and after that official formalities they receive product. The invoice will be 2-copies at the time of receiving goods from Shafipur Shoe Limited (factory). ( 1copy will go on Supply Chain Department ( 1copy will go on Merchandising Department At the time of supply from CDC to galleries, they make 3 copies of invoice. ( 1 copy for Supply Chain Department ( 1 copy for Management Information System Department ( 1 copy for Gallerie At the period of outsource suppliers, they also provide 4 copies of supply invoice. This copy goes to four particular sections like; ( Merchandising department Supply chain department ( Accounts de partment and ( CDC record At the time of Bill submission, they attach supply invoice (Chelan). Supply Chain Department has some responsibilities also. They have to consider what kind of product will go which galleries. It depends on volume of sale, customer category & position of market & sales Sometimes they have to check the sale condition of galleries and also stock of shoes. According to distribution of goods they apply transport facilities or rent car or curia service. In fact CDC has own car but it can use only for Dhaka North zone, Dhaka central zone and Dhaka South Zone. 3. 8 Merchandising Procurement Procedure:According to this procedure, there are two basic sources of production can provide the finished products; ( Shafipur Shoe Limited (own factory) ( Supply sources The Shafipur Shoe Limited is the main factory of Gallerie Apex. It produces goods according to given requirement. The components like upper, insole and outsole has collected from Shiva Footwear Ltd. Design stu dio of Gallerie Apex produces only sandals with limited quantity. Gallerie Apex has some supply sources which make goods. These sources make goods according to given design or requirements of Gallerie Apex. Basically these supply sources make deed between Gallerie Apex and their factories that, sole & other component they will provide and they make complete shoes.In the term of payment bill, they adjust their cost with total amount. Some names of supply sources are given below: †¢ Hanif Shoes †¢ Century Shoes †¢ Popy Shoes †¢ Moochie Shoes †¢ Coaster Footwear †¢ Herald Shoes †¢ Classic Footwear †¢ Ryan Shoe †¢ Crown Leather †¢ Keya Sandal †¢ Home Land †¢ Nashanan Trade †¢ FN Enterprise †¢ Prestige Bengal †¢ King Ston †¢ Bright Shine †¢ Mayhem †¢ Comfort Socks 3. 9 In-Process Quality Control: The quality control process of Gallerie Apex is very much effective. To check the quality of finished go ods it has a specification sheet to know the total information about finished product. This sheet has the serial number, color, material of goods & price.At 5th level of Gallerie Apex, Quality Control room is worked by the Quality Control officer of Design studio. The system is to check the 20% of product in a lot. 3. 10 Producer & practice of product pricing: At the time of selecting price of product it should be careful that, gross margin must be minimum 40 %. )Buying price will always be fixed. In terms of adding VAT, amount will be 15%. To analyze the total cost sheet some necessary work has to be done. These are: Article no: Color Cost of materials Value Added Tax (VAT) Total cost (unit based) Retail price Profit margin (TK) †¢ Profit margin (%) †¢ Quantity order †¢ Total cost †¢ Total VAT (amount) †¢ Total cost value (amount) †¢ Total retail value Total margin (TK) After calculating VAT on retail price of product, total cost (unit based) can add. Profit margin is based on amount of retail price. Cost of material, information comes from own factory Shafipur Shoe Limited. There are two types of cost should be considered; own cost & supply cost. According to supply cost there can be made another cost sheet include all cost of supply source. In order to make a price of product all department head discuss about design, durability, looks of product, customer’s choice & finally they fixed the price of product. Executive director is the head of this team. 3. 11 Basic Ideas on Store Display of Gallerie Apex:Gallerie Apex always plays a different style to attract the potential customer. Visual Merchandising is very important part in store to attract the customer Store Display gives an idea about the product feature such as variety, quality and size, color, design and trends. This display reminds the customers about their need and they attract to buy this product. It is an act of putting things for view or on view. I visited som e galleries to take this display idea and I found some rules of display. This display can be dividing into 2 types. They are: ( Interior Display ( Exterior Display Before a customer enters the store, the store must send a message that, store must be well decorated, clean and full of lighting.The display products are being neat & clean. There is some display rules that I have noticed from galleries is that; ( Have to show the outside of shoes ( Angle at 0degree & 90 degrees (same style) ( Group shoes consistently with a space between groups ( Display shoes should keep in small size like 38/40. ( The display light should be top on display article According to Branding, there are generally 5 brands are common on Gallerie Apex. [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] There are some rules about Brand Differentiation: ( Each Brand should be displayed separately ( Never should mix Venturini with Apex ( Never should mix Nino Rossi with Sandra Rosa Always keep the different Brand in a selected place A ccording to ladies footwear, always have to display the flats on the bottom shelf & high heels on the top shelf. It will be better not display the Sandra Rosa with Nino Rossi. According to new arrival, new article should display on the right side after entrance with new arrival tag. In that part ladies and men’s article can display separately. A. Brand for men footwear; some common brand of Gallerie Apex. ( Venturini- Exclusive dress shoes targeted for upper middle segment. ( Apex- Leather footwear is for middle/ upper middle segment. ( Sprint- Sporty casual targeted for middle/upper middle segment. B.Brand for women footwear; Gallerie Apex has also some ladies brand. ( Nino Rossi- Evening wears for middle/upper middle segment. ( Moochie- Designer collects for middle/upper segment. ( Sandra Rosa- Colorful for middle/ upper middle segment. C. Brand for kids; Gallerie Apex has also some kids Items, (Apex- Under this brand some kid’s article is common. ( Disney-This is th e ongoing brand. ( Twinkler – This brand is totally new for Gallerie Apex which is going. CHAPTER FOUR Industry Analysis 4. 1 Bangladesh Footwear Industry analysis: Export promotion bureau statistics show that footwear exports had 20 percent market rises during 2009July- 10 March fiscal year. (reportlinker. om, 2010) The country fetched 144. 69 million dollar from export of the item in nine months a sharp rise from 131. 52 million dollar in the July -March period. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Nowadays many countries like China and India are failing to produce high quality but low-cost leather items due to the WTO anti dumping rules. (reportlinker. com, 2010) So orders from Germany, Italy, France, Japan and Canada are shifting to the local manufactures. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Crushed leather is the main raw material for locally produced. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Earlier China, India and Vietnam are the largest shoe exporters in the world. (reportlinker. om, 2010) The demand f or fashionable and high end leather shoes has decline in international markets because of the recession. (reportlinker. com, 2010) But it has also given rise to an opportunity for the county to produce shoes that are ordinary but essential. (reportlinker. com, 2010) The county started exporting leather footwear in 1994 on small scale to neighboring countries including India and Nepal. (reportlinker. com, 2010) The footwear business grew in recent years. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Currently the total market size of Bangladesh made leather footwear stands at tk1700 corer of which about 45 percent is exported. (reportlinker. om, 2010) The country exports around six million pairs of leather footwear a year. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited is the country’s leading footwear exporter claiming more than half of the total exports. (reportlinker. com, August 2010)The company earned taka 450 core last year. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Bangladesh mainly exports menâ €™s footwear, lady’s sandals and sports shoes to European nations China, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, India and Nepal. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Mr. Syed Nasim Manzur, managing director of Apex Adelchi Footwear Ltd, said â€Å"the recession has taken a toll on the demand for luxury fashion accessories. Apex annual report, 2009) The additional fall out of the global financial crisis on AAFL has been the adverse impact on the Euro & as the majority of our revenues are in Euros, the continued slide of the Euro and the reflection in the Taka versus Euro conversion rate has severely affected our taka revenues as seen above. (Apex annual report, 2009) The Bangladesh Taka has remained unchanged against the US$ in 2009 where the currencies of our competitor nations such as the Indian Rupee & Pakistan Rupee have been devalued repeatedly in 2009 in order to boost their export competitiveness. (Apex annual report, 2009) Despite many pleas from exporters in Bangladesh, the go vernment of Bangladesh has not adjusted the Taka against the USD. Apex annual report, 2009 Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited started its business in December 27, 2006 in Bangladesh. AAFL has equity, technical and marketing participation from La Nuova Adelchi one of the largest footwear manufacturers of Italy. Since then there was demand for the products in the local markets. But the problem was the local market was too small to support their required profitability. On the other hand, they found a worldwide growth opportunity in the developed countries. It inspired them to set up their system in Western Europe, North America and Japan. Later on they also move towards the developing nations. They started focusing the country needs.Therefore, gradually they were becoming one of the second market leaders. They had total 280545 sq. ft factory area. The producing capacity of 15,000 pairs complete shoes per day. They came up with a wide range of products for different markets. They had large n umber of employees and 70% of their workers are female. Ultimately, the small market in the home country and the huge growth opportunity was the crucial force to move towards the international market. Hence, these are the IHRM variable for them which can be regarded as the structural factor. 4. 2 Production Facilities  ¦ Cutting Department Covered Area 25,000 sft. Cutting Machines 104 no. s Cutting Capacity 15,000 Prs/dayCutting Manpower 494+16 Persons  ¦ Sewing Department Covered Area 78,000 sft. Sewing Line 16 lines x 2 shift Sewing Capacity 15,000 Prs/day Sewing Manpower 2550 +60 Persons  ¦ Lasting Department Covered Area 46,000 sft. Lasting Line 8 lines x 2 shift Lasting Capacity 15,000 Prs/day Lasting Manpower 1100+25Persons [pic] Component Department Covered Area 27,760 sft. Outsole workstation 42 nos Production Capacity 12,000 Prs/day Outsole Manpower 250+3 Persons Insole Prod. Capacity 15,000 Prs/day Insole Manpower 93+3  ¦ Packing Department Covered Area 21,000 sft. Manpower 37+7 Persons 4. 3. Summary of factory area Factory Area | |SL |Section/Building |Area in SFT. | |01 |Cutting |25000 | |02 |Sewing |78000 | |03 |Lasting |46000 | |04 |Component |27000 | |05 |Packing |21000 | |06 |Store |32000 |07 |Leather Store |15000 | |Sub-Total |244000 | |08 |Office |14300 | |09 |Staff Centre |8000 | |10 |Worker Canteen |8500 | |11 |Engineering workshop & Sub-station |5745 | |Sub-Total |36545 | |Total |280545 | CHAPTER FIVE Job Description 5. 1 Nature of the job: That My internship commenced on the date of my joining which was on February 01, 2011. My posting was at their Register Office, House # 6, Road # 137, Dhaka-1212. I have worked in the Marketing division of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited. During my internship period, I had been giving my work report to Yashna chowdhury (Brand Manager of Marketing) everyday I did. 5. 2 Specific responsibilities of the job: During my internship period, my responsibility was to record the daily survey data an other responsibility was to what the customer wants.I had to record it in the survey sheet 5. 3 Different aspects of job performance: During my internship period, my responsibility was to record the daily survey data another responsibility was to what the customer wants. I had to record it in the survey sheet. I worked this type of activities in marketing department because at the beginning in entry level position every officer does this type of activities. At first senior manager of marketing department checks the level/ability of every officer by giving this type of activities. When they perform well, they get another responsibility. 5. 4 Observations: At the period of my internship in Gallerie Apex, I visited some galleries.Gallerie Farmgate is one of them. It denotes the whole activities that have to be done in each store of the Gallerie Apex. These are about; ( Product Knowledge ( Sales Conduct ( POS (Point of Sale) ( Process of sales communication ( Procedure of Goods receivin g/Dispatch ( Cash Memo ( Sales Report (Daily) ( Sales Report (Weekly) ( Sales Report (monthly) ( Accounting ( Store Billing ( After Sales Service ( Visual Merchandising Farmgate Gulshan is „A? category shop of Gallerie Apex. Total space is 1800sft and 6 employees are working there. Customer response is very much positive. This gallerie has verities collection of shoes for men and ladies.According to Men’s shoes, there are three products brand like Venturini, Apex and Sprint are common and Ladies sandals; Sandra Rosa, Nino Rossi and Apex are common. Men’s shoes size starts from 39-44 and sandal size starts from 35-41. There have different row to display particular brand product like shoes, sandals, socks, kid’s sandals etc. Price of Men’s shoes starts from 1250Tk-5500Tk, sandals 400Tk-1950Tk, and Ladies sandals 380Tk-2250Tk, Comfort socks 150Tk-250Tk. Price of Leather Goods is 600Tk. Point of Sale (POS) is some information? s about selling goods that have to fill by manager at selling period. These are; 1. Article code 7. Quantity 2. Name 8. Balance 3. Color 9. Unit price 4.Size 10. Discount% 5. Pair 11. Total Discount amount 6. Price I observed the sales communication between customer and sales person. How a sales person help a customer for purchasing a pair of shoes. A sales person gives information very politely about selected products feature, leather quality, durability and components of manufacturing. CHAPTER SIX CONSUMER ANALYSIS 6. 1 Customer satisfaction The Customers are in the mainstream of sales oriented services. The success of such companies largely depends on the satisfaction of the customers . The buyers are happy if the product and/or the services meet their expectations.If their requirements do not meet the expectations the buyers become discontented, they are delighted when the performance fulfils their requirements Customers’ past buying experiences, the opinion of friends, associates, marketer, compe titor information and promises lead to the expectations. Marketer must be careful to set the right level of expectations. If they set expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to attract enough buyers. In contrast, if they raise expectations too high, buyers are likely to be disappointed. Dissatisfaction can arise either from a decrease in product and service quality or from an increase in customer expectations. In either case, it presents an opportunity for companies that can deliver superior customer value and satisfaction To? ay most successful companies have taken the strategy of are raising expectations and delivering performance to match. Such companies track their customers’ expectations, perceived company performance, and customer satisfaction. Highly satisfied customers produce several benefits for the company. Satisfied customers are fewer prices sensitive remain customers for a longer period and talk favorably to others about the company and its products and services Although the customer centered firm seeks to deliver high customer satisfaction relative to its competitors, it does not attempt to maximize customer satisfaction. A company can always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its price and increasing its services, but it may result in lower profits.Thus, the purpose of marketing is to generate customer value profitably Now, we have a very good idea regarding the importance of customer satisfaction. So, it is also important for the company to know about the satisfaction level of the customers. When any problem is identified, it becomes easier to solve the problem. The next part of this paper         has focused on the â€Å"Customer Satisfaction Factors of. It is done through a research survey to find out the customer satisfaction level of Gallarie Apex Customer Satisfaction Factors of Gallarie Apex: Gallerie Apex is the local manufacturing and retail wing of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited (AAFL).While AAFL has predominantly earned both critical and commercial fame through export of high quality leather footwear in the international arena, Gallerie Apex has sought to adeptly make use of that expertise to provide high quality, fashionable footwear to the Bangladeshi consumers. 6. 2 Survey Findings: In order to measure the satisfaction of the customers a series of questions were asked to the customers with the help of a questionnaire, the data from these questions are tabulated below. For clear understanding, the overall satisfaction has been divided into satisfaction with the product and satisfaction with the after sales service. As already mentioned, the survey was conducted among nine hundred consumers; it was conducted in three way direct appointment, over telephone and with the help of email.I asked total twenty three closed end question to nine hundred consumers;. In the basis of strongly agree to strongly disagree. From the total point and average point I divided in to three categories  consumers; of satisfied subscribers, and moderate subscribers and not satisfied subscribers. From the table we see that in some area from question 1 to 11 consumers are satisfied and in some area consumers are not satisfied also there are some areas where subscribers are moderate. In below I discuss all the questions finding elaborately 6. 2. 1 SECTION A Q. 1 Here the question about the gender |Male |Female | | 224 |96 | 70%male &30% female are response Q. 2. Here is a question about age. Under 18 |18-24 |25-34 |35-44 |45-54 |55-64 |Above 65 | |6% |25% |40% |22% |6% |1% |4% | [pic] I have found 40% customer age between 25-34. Q,3 Monthly Household Income Range |Less than |20000-35000 |35000-45000 |45000-60000 |60000-75000 |75000-100000 |Above | |20000 | | | | | |100000 | |9% |23% |21% |31% |8% |3% |5% | [pic] Here is 31% customer monthly income 45000-60000. Majority of them are service holder. 6. 2. 2 SECTION B Q1 Name 3 Footwear Companies | | | |Apex | | | |Bata | | | |Others | | | | | | | |34% | | | |63% | | | |15% | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |It means that 34% respondent first choice is apex. t means customer are not properly satisfied | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Q2.Shoes purchased respondents in last three month | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |From Apex | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |others | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |52% | | | | | | | | |48% | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |In this graph show that 52% customer purchased shoe from apex at last three month. o apex has better position | | | | | | | | |Than other. | | | | | | | | Q3 Price vs. Quality of APEX Fair |Expensive |Don’t know | |38% |58% |3% | [pic] In this table sho w that 58% customer say that price of galarie apex is expensive shoe they can look after their price Q 4. Price vs. quality of other store |Fair |Expensive |Low |Don’t know | |51% |39% |6% |4% | [pic] There are 51% consumer say ocher store price are fair than apex. Q5 Purchase shoes over the internet |Yes |No | 29% |71% | [pic] 71% Consumer are not interested to porches product from internet. they say that this types of product they like to by from shop. 6. 2. 3 SECTION C Q 1. Other items willing to purchase beside shoe |Shocks |Wallet |Hand purse |Beg |Belt |Shoe care |Other |Nothing else | |39% |3% |6% |11% |11% |9% |11% |16% | [pic] There are 39% consumer like purchase shocks beside shoe. some other like to buy shoe care, hand purse, belt & other, Q2. What apex does best Price |Fashion |Quality |Customer service |Range of shoe | |36% |13% |35%