Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What Is Adaptation Essay Example for Free

What Is Adaptation Essay Adaptation in common sense is a system reaction of organism which provides possibility of all kinds of social activity and vital functions. In other sources we can find a definition that adaptation is totality of reactions of live system, which supports its functional stability in the process of changes in conditions of environment. It can be also called plastic accommodation of internal changes to external changes as well. Processes of adaptation are directed at supporting of stability inside of organism and between organism and environment and are connected with self-preservation of functional level of self-regulated system and with choice of functional strategy of achievement the aim. By psychical adaptation we understand continuous process of active adaptation for human psychics to conditions of physical and social environment which surrounds him, and also the result of this process. To describe the process of adaptation we use also term â€Å"adaptation abilities†. Psychical adaptation include level of factual adjustment of a person, level of his social status and self-feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction by himself and his life. Sensory adaptation is explained by change in ability to react at changes in environment with help of sensory system, basing at the average level of stimuli, which surrounds us. For example, we feel the temperature of water as cold for the first several minutes, and later we find it not so cold, although temperature didn’t change: it is at the same level, but our organism was adapted to this temperature and our receptors found this temperature as â€Å"normal†. It is adaptation. When we are in perfume shop and smelling different kinds of perfumes, our nose looses it sensitiveness after change of several smells – we actually feel odors but we are adapted to them and we are unable to tell the difference between them.   When we walk in the evening, our eyes are gradually adapt to darkness, and while the sun sets, we can see in the darkness – but when we go out from room with bright light into the darkness, it takes time to adapt to darkness after change of exposure. Sensory systems are nervous mechanisms, which serve as receivers of signals, informing about changes in environment, which surrounds the subject (extroreception) and in his organism (intrareception). We got used to distinguish five main external sensory systems, which receive sensory information: cutaneous sensitiveness (touch), sight, smell, taste, and hearing. These senses present out basis of knowledge about environment. In fact, we have more of these systems (only cutaneous sensitiveness causes sense of cold, pressure, hot, pain, etc). Sensory systems consist of receptors, nervous conductors and nerve centers. Each sensory system provides sensation which is peculiar to it only.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Early American Literature Essay examples -- essays papers

Early American Literature (1620-1820) In the first half of the 17th century the New World found two groups of people colonizing. The first group, the Puritans, had left England after years of exile due to their lack of faith in the Church of England. With the reading and understanding of the Bible almost completely laid in the hands of the preacher, the congregation was forced to believe all the words that the preacher said. This all came to an end with John Calvin. His ideas were that God likes certain people better than others and those "chosen" ones would get more land and more money. This idea took off with the Puritans as they seeked religious freedom, a chance to start new churches and purification of the Church of England. As life moved on in the New World for the Puritans they seemed overwhelmed with the fact that they were the chosen ones and proceeded to act out life and every aspect of it for God and God only. The other group was far more open minded. The Enlightenment that swept the world impacted these people greatly and caused them to question the acts of the Puritans. Puritan life in the New World seemed only to consist of Church and all daily life outside the Church was to be done in the name of the Lord. There are countless quotes throughout the text of "God's will" in reaction to everything from the death of a child to the lack of food or water. "If excellence abide below, How excellent is He that dwells on high,". With this quote one can see the presence that God has in the life of a Puritan. They believed that everything that we on the Earth was God's will. If a tree fell on their house killing all insid... ...and through eduction answered those questions forming a foundation for their beliefs. Upon that we see many different branches of the many different religions that make up the country today. With this reasoning present people seemed to build off the Puritan ideas and make these churches. In the event that the Puritans were the only religious colony to settle in America then what happened in England would most definitly happen here. The Puritan Church would be roughly the same as the Church of England and those that didn't believe in it would have to move elsewhere seeking religious freedom, the cycle would repeat itself. Thus, both groups of settlers complimented each other and made the foundation of modern American religion. Although those that did this may not be able to see it today, they found their religious freedom.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Breastfeeding and Human Milk Essay

Breastfeeding is a tool, gift, and experience that a lot of mothers disregard, overlook and dismiss. This paper is aimed at proving the significance of this vital act of love. Breastfeeding not only provides vital nutrients, it also fosters many health, economic and emotional benefits. The advantages of breast milk will clearly outweigh any inconvenience some may complain of. Breast milk alone can provide all the nutrients a child needs until it is six months old with no other supplements needed. Human milk provides the perfect balance of nutrition, proteins, and hormones needed for a baby. It cannot be replicated by any other substance such as soy milks or formulas. Since breast milk is made specifically for the human infant, mother’s milk is more easily digested than any foreign substances like infant formula, cow’s milk or soy milk. Breast milk is a living substance, it will change as the baby’s nutritional needs change. There is no need to change it with age as you would with a traditional formula. Protein and essential fatty acids, such as DHA, that are found in human breast milk are perfect for assuring the best development for the central nervous system and brain. (llli.org 2007). There is no need for most mothers to introduce formula to their infants in order to assure health to their child. Formula is just an imitation of breast milk. I’m not sure why any mother would want to give their child such a cheap imitation when the best is available. It would be like wearing tennis shoes from Dollar General and throwing away a perfectly good pair of Louis Vuitton red stilettos. Human breast milk also has been proven to increase a child’s intelligence. Research suggests that the IQ’s of breastfed babies were significantly higher than those of formula fed infants. DHA found in human milk has been shown to boost visual acuity and cognitive development. (llli. org 2007) Additional health benefits also include but are not limited to: The brain, higher IQ’s are found in breastfed children. Cholesterol and other types of fat in human milk support the growth of nerve tissue. The eyes are helped. Visual acuity is higher in babies fed human milk. Even the ears stay healthier. Breastfed babies get fewer ear infections. The mouth palate is not disturbed as with some bottles. There is less need for orthodontics in children breastfed more than a year. There is improved muscle development of face from suckling at the breast. Subtle changes in the taste of human milk also prepares babies to accept a variety of solid foods. Throat surgeries are less likely. Children who are breastfed are less likely to require tonsillectomies. Respiratory systems are stronger. Evidence shows that breastfed babies have fewer and less severe upper respiratory infections, less wheezing, less pneumonia and less influenza. The heart and circulatory system reap benefits too. Evidence suggests that breastfed children may have lower cholesterol as adults. Heart rates are lower in breastfed infants. The digestive system sees fewer problems. Babies have less diarrhea, fewer gastrointestinal infections in babies who are breastfeeding. Six months or more of exclusive breastfeeding reduces risk of food allergies. Also, less risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in adulthood. The immune system is stronger. Breastfed babies respond better to vaccinations. Human milk helps to mature baby’s own immune system. Breastfeeding decreases the risk of childhood cancer. The endocrine system is boosted. There are reduced risk of getting diabetes. Kidneys do not have to work as hard. With less salt and less protein, human milk is easier on a baby’s kidneys. The appendix is healthier. Children with acute appendicitis are less likely to have been breastfed. The urinary tract sees fewer infections in breastfed infants. Joints and muscles hurt less. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is less common in children who were breastfed. Skin is smoother. Less allergic eczema is found in breastfed infants. Growth is regulated better. Breastfed babies are leaner at one year of age and less likely to be obese later in life. Bowels are cleaner. Less constipation and stools of breastfed babies have a less-offensive odor. (Sears, 2013) Another major perk of breastfeeding is the reduction in the SIDS rate. SIDS also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a worry to all mothers of newborns. Research has found that by just the act of breastfeeding, the instances of SIDS is less likely by 60%. (cdc. gov 2011) Sixty percent, that is not a small number. If I said that everyone would be sixty percent more likely to win the lottery if you bought your lottery ticket at Circle K grocery in Mountain View, Arkansas, most people would take off work, jump in their cars and race to get to Circle K. The lines to buy tickets would be out the door, but when you say breastfeeding reduces SIDS risk by 60%, most people just shrug it off. Makes one wonder which is more important to most people, the life of their child or the possibility of a little extra cash. I get that, yes, it is inconvenient at times, but once again the life of my child is more important. Breastfeeding is not fail safe, but can greatly improve the odds of a happy healthy baby. Breastfeeding also has numerous health benefits for the mother that a lot of people overlook or do not know. Nursing seems to reduce the chances of a woman getting breast cancer. The chances of breast cancer are reduced by twenty-five percent in breastfeeding moms. There is also a correlation in the length of time breastfed. The longer the child nurses the less the chance of the woman developing breast cancer. (Sears 2007) Another reward to the mother is the decrease in instances of osteoporosis. Non breastfeeding mothers are four times more likely to get a fracture from osteoporosis. (Sears, 2007) Ovarian cancer and uterine cancer risk are also slightly diminished by choosing to nurse. As per personal experience, I can vouch for the next benefit. I have six children and have had friends that were pregnant at the same time as me. Some of them breastfed and some of them did not. I have noted through the past few years that the mothers that breastfed consistently lost their pregnancy weight far faster than those that chose to formula feed. Breastfeeding burns many extra calories. Mothers that breastfeed tend to return to their pre pregnancy weights faster and have a smaller hip circumference one month postpartum. (WebMD, 2012) So, not only can I possibly increase my lifespan by nursing, I can look good doing it. The next benefit of nursing is financial. Breast milk is free! As with the economy being less than desirable, finances can be a bit tight. The cost of feeding an infant until age one is staggering. The cost to formula feed an infant is around $1200 per year. (kellymom. com 2012) Even with factoring in the cost of extra food for the nursing mom, the savings would be huge. Many low-income families have a very hard time affording the cost of formula, so the government ends up picking up the tab. If more moms would decide to nurse, the savings annually would be massive. Call me old fashioned or just plain hard, but I believe if a woman can breastfeed she should. There is no since in a woman sitting around sucking up government assistance when she could easily provide the nutrients herself for her child. Yes, I do understand some woman physically cannot breastfeed, but I believe most of it comes down to pure laziness and lack of effort. The emotional bond of nursing a child is also fostered by breastfeeding. Since physical contact is important for newborns, breastfeeding is perfect. It helps them feel more secure, comforted and warm. Moms also tend to relax and enjoy some quiet close times with their children. (womenshealth. gov, 2013) Having a newborn can be quite stressful and slowing down to take the time to hold your baby close and nurse skin to skin has quite the soothing effect for mothers. Nursing stimulates the production of Oxytocin, which lets the milk flow and calms the mother. While formula feeding moms still bond with their children, the closeness that mother and baby receive while nursing is far more than any bottle can provide. We have been the product of an on the go society. Everything is made to go fast fast fast. Unfortunately, our children have fell victim to this phenomena also. A lot of mothers sacrifice the bonds provided by breastfeeding for the convenience of a bottle. As mentioned earlier, breastfeeding can also benefit society. A nation could avoid 1000 deaths per year if 90 percent of mothers chose to breastfeed exclusively for at least six months. Also, we could save approximately $13 billion per year with less medical cost because breastfed babies tend to be healthier. (womenshealth.gov, 2013). With healthier children, moms would have to miss less work because of taking off for sick children. Society also can reap the rewards of less waste if more mothers breastfed. There would be less plastic waste from bottles and bottle liners. I really do not see why anyone would not want to at least attempt to feed their child naturally. The milk never has to be mixed, heated, or measured. Bottles do not have to be sterilized, washed, or bought. The milk will not expire or cost you a dime. The bond with the child will last a lifetime and the time will not be wasted. The immunity and health benefits are extensive. I do know that not all moms get the privilege of staying home with their children, but pumping is still a viable option. The milk itself is the real goal. The colostrum â€Å"first milk† has been deemed as liquid gold. Just a few weeks of colostrum can boost the child’s immunity greatly. If a woman can just give it a chance, it would be a choice she would never regret. There are no harmful effects for the mother from breastfeeding. The only time a mother should not breastfeed is when she has HIV or advanced cases of tuberculosis. (Medlineplus. gov, 2013) Also, another consideration would be if the mother is using illegal drugs. The drugs would be harmful if passed through the milk and ingested by the infant. All in all I believe breastfeeding is the best start any mom can give her child. We give our children shots in order to avoid diseases, why not give them the liquid gold that only a mommy can make? With just a little effort and selflessness, a mother can provide her baby with a lifetime of betterment. Bibliography Breastfeeding. April 5, 2013. Women’sHealth. gov. September 2013 www. womenshealth. gov/breastfeeding Breastfeeding. August 26, 2013. CDC. gov. September 2013 www. cdc. gov/breastfeeding Breastfeeding Answers. March 25, 2013. La Leche League. September 2013 www. llli. org Breastfeeding vs Formula. February 2012. WebMd. September 2013 http://www. webmd. com/baby/breastfeeding-vs-formula-feeding-twins? Common Newborn Concerns. October 26, 2011. KellyMom. September 2013 http://www. kellymom. com MedlinePlus. August 15, 2013. National Institutes of Health. September 2013 www. nlm. nih. gov.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

My Sexuality Of A South Asian Society - 878 Words

On a sunny May summer day of 2011, my family immigrated from a small town of India with grandiose hopes and expectations of life and achievements. Moving to the United States required us to develop new identities and reshape the old ones to fit in. I chose to explore my sexuality in a South Asian society. Coming out as gay and my parents’ moving back to India led to my legal emancipation at the age of 15. Apart from being an immigrant, I was assumed to be financially independent and face the heightened disregard from my society for being gay. Amidst these pivotal challenges, I found solace in being part of the LGBT communities at large and the social gratification that came along. Working for the Human Rights Campaign and promoting the Equality Bill in Congress, I realized the widening disparities and inequities faced by my communities, especially by my trans brothers and sisters, in a health care setting. Despite some progressive moves in the right direction, we constantly face prejudice and ignorance regarding our unique medical needs, sexual health in particular. The amount of times I have to bluntly ask my personal physician for specific tests is surprisingly high; I can only imagine the trans experience at an Emergency Room. There are two main causes for such neglect: on one hand there is a lack of representation of the LGBT community in the workforce; on the other hand, our own preferences for LGBT professionals limits the exposure to the broader medicalShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Farewell My Concubine And The King And The Clown 1653 Words   |  7 Pageshomosexuality vary substantially across Asia. Surprisingly, there are two conflicting attitudes t oward homosexuality. Some Asian countries strongly condemn against homosexuality. Whereas, in some Asian countries visibly accept homosexuality. 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